Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,16

this local legend in the flesh,” Lizzie laughed.

“I agree. If he’s so hot that all the women are after him, I want to see him too. Hey, maybe Katy can have a vacation affair with this dude. It’d be a great way to get back in the dating pool.” Angie burst into giggles.

“And why on earth would I want to do that?” Katy began giggling as well.

“I don’t think Katy wants to get mixed up with that one,” Marianne added.

“I can see it now. We’ll walk in there and all go into one of our giggling fits when we see ‘Mr. Sexy Dallas.’” Lizzie was giggling too by this point.

“And so my friends come to Dallas just to embarrass me in public. I see how you are,” Marianne teased.

“Ok, we’ll behave. But I still think Katy should have a fling with him,” Angie said.

“Oh, brother,” Katy rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at Angie’s head.

The girls left for the mall shortly after that, putting an end to the discussion of the infamous Mr. O’Grady.

It was just like old times, the four of them shopping together. They had spent many a Sunday afternoon in the malls together over the years. They each made a few purchases and headed back to the suite to get ready for their big evening out.

Petite Katy chose a simple black dress. She finished it off with pearls that Bill had given her one year for their anniversary, matching earrings and bracelet, and a pair of strappy black sandals. With her short dark hair cut in the latest style, she looked very chic. Lizzie had bought a beautiful floral skirt with a peasant blouse while shopping. The bright turquoise had always been a good color for her. She was a blonde with a classic pageboy hairstyle, the back cut just a tiny bit shorter than the sides and stacked. She wore southwestern-style turquoise jewelry. Angie, ever the career girl, donned a navy pinstripe skirt with matching blazer. She dressed it up with a feminine white blouse and gold jewelry. She had decided to wear her long hair up for the evening. Marianne walked into the room with a cute, green paisley dress that accentuated her figure nicely.

“Well, I think we are ready to take on the Big D in style,” Angie laughed as they grabbed their purses and walked out the door, happily anticipating the evening ahead.

Since Marianne knew the way to the restaurant, she offered to drive rather than take the rental. The girls were all chatting at once the entire ride, taking in the lights of Dallas on the way.

Marianne pulled into the parking lot of ‘Chloe’s Place’ and quickly parked her SUV in one of the few remaining parking spots. The nearly full parking lot was a good indication that the food would be excellent. They piled out of the car and strolled into the restaurant, which had a pleasant atmosphere. The dining room was tastefully decorated in shades of mauve and gray and a fire was burning in the huge stone fireplace in one corner. Fresh flowers served as centerpieces on each table. Everyone was bustling about doing his or her job, but everything seemed to be running quite smoothly.

“Marianne, this is lovely. I am so glad you suggested this place,” Angie stated in awe.

The others quickly agreed with her.

“Welcome to Chloe’s Place, would this be your first time here?” asked the man who had just walked up to greet them.

The four women stared at the man in disbelief. He had to be the most gorgeous hunk of manhood any of them had ever seen. He was tall and well-groomed, with dark hair and big brown eyes that held a tiny fleck of gold in each of them. He looked to be in his forties, very muscular and definitely all man. Now, Michael, Jon, and Rex were all good-looking men, but there was definitely something different about this one.

Katy could not seem to take her eyes off him. He smiled at her and she struggled to regain her composure as she answered, “Yes, it is. We are visiting Dallas and heard great things about ‘Chloe’s Place,’ so we thought we’d try it out.”

“We will try to live up to the good things you have heard, then. I am Ryan O’Grady. I own the restaurant with my brother and sister-in-law, Shane and Chloe. And you lovely ladies are…?”

“We are the ‘Fab Four,’” Angie laughed.

Ryan gave them a quizzical look and Lizzie laughingly explained, Copyright 2016 - 2024