Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,15

much as you can anyway, and relax. Enjoy this time we have together. Then, next week, you need to deal with the problem head on, once and for all.” Angie gently patted Marianne’s hand as she spoke. “I shouldn’t have spouted off like I did before. This has been hard enough for you as it is, without me going off at the mouth like that. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, Mari.”

“You didn’t say anything I haven’t thought a thousand times over, Angie. And I agree. I need to enjoy this week. I have needed this break for a while now and I am not going to let Jon ruin it for me too.”

“Now you’re talking. The ‘Fab Four’ are together again. Let’s move on to important issues. Like, where are we going for dinner?” Lizzie tried to lighten the mood.

And with that choice to make, the four of them all began chattering at once, trying to decide whether to go out on the town or to order in and have one of their good old-fashioned slumber parties like in the old days. They unanimously voted on the latter and the party began.


The girls decided to have pizza and ice cream sent up to their room. After changing into their pajamas and putting their problems aside for the night, they began the age-old ritual of reminiscing.

“Remember that slumber party we had at your house, Katy? We must have been all of sweet sixteen at the time,” Lizzie asked as she popped a chocolate into her mouth.

“Oh, how could I ever forget it? We snuck the boys in the basement window and my dad caught us. I wasn’t allowed to see Bill for a month. I thought I would die before that month was over.” Katy giggled like a schoolgirl.

“And then there were all the sleepovers at Lizzie’s house, our resident junk food junkie. We ate so much junk food when were there,” Angie remembered.

“And you always knew what you were having for breakfast at Lizzie’s house, fried bologna on toast. I have not touched bologna since then, I don’t think.” Marianne remembered with a smile. She was actually beginning to relax a little. She had not had another glass of wine since she had poured her heart out to her friends earlier. Maybe this really is going to be a good week, after all, she thought as she looked at each of her friends and smiled.

“Ah, those were the days, weren’t they, carefree and fun?” Katy said wistfully.

They all nodded in agreement. They spent the rest of the night and into the morning hours remembering the days of their youth in an Indiana small town, and of course, filling up on junk food. When they finally gave it up and fell asleep at four a.m., each one of the girls had a smile on her face.

When they awoke on Sunday morning, they all felt refreshed and relaxed. After taking turns in the shower, they sat down to figure out what they would do with the rest of the day. It was decided that they would go across the street to the Galleria mall for a while. As they leisurely read the paper and finished their coffee, they also discussed where they would go for dinner that evening.

“I have had enough junk food to last me for a year,” Katy said. She was never one to eat junk food, being the petite one of the bunch. Last night had been a rare exception.

“You can say that again,” quipped Marianne with a sidelong glance at Lizzie.

“Now, girls, what’s a ‘Fab Four’ party without junk food?” Lizzie laughed.

“You could eat junk food without the ‘Fab Four,’ honey,” Angie answered with a smile.

They eventually decided on a restaurant that Marianne suggested. It had a great reputation and she had heard that they were planning to expand. “Supposedly they are going to be adding a party room and possibly more restaurants,” Marianne told them. “It’s owned by two brothers, Ryan and Shane O’Grady. All the articles I’ve read say Shane’s wife, Chloe, is an excellent cook and Ryan is said to have the distinct reputation of being considered one of Dallas’s most eligible bachelors.” Marianne continued to fill them in with all she knew about the family from local talk. “He’s quite the playboy from what I’ve seen in the society pages, never with the same woman more than a few times.”

“Well, then we have to go there, because I want to see Copyright 2016 - 2024