Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,14

be starting an exciting new career, and Angie is embarking on the greatest thing she has ever done in her career, not to mention the fact that she is probably going to get back together with the love of her life when all is said and done. I just don’t think any of you can solve my problem. And it is a true problem.” Marianne looked solemnly at the group gathered around her.

“Sweetie, what in the world is it? We all thought you had it all, great part-time nursing job, beautiful house, two great kids, plenty of money, and the most handsome, successful husband in the world. What could possibly be wrong in your world?” Lizzie asked in awe.

“Looks can be deceiving, you know. Up until a short time ago, I thought I had it all, too. How quickly that can change. My world came crashing down around me in a heartbeat.” Marianne burst into fresh tears.

Her three friends were at a total loss. None of them knew what to do or say next. Marianne seemed to be in such a fragile state, which was not the Marianne they all knew.

Lizzie was the first to speak. She broke the silence by asking gently, “Can you tell us what happened? Just take your time, catch your breath, and tell us slowly everything that happened. You know that whatever it is, we are all here for you, one hundred and ten percent.”

The other two nodded in agreement. Whatever was bothering Marianne had certainly unnerved her. And how many glasses of wine had she had already? Something was really wrong in her life. And for the first time in all the years they had been friends, would they even be able to help her through it?

Marianne took a deep breath, took a sip of the wine still in her glass and began telling her story. She told them about what Julie had seen. She told them about how distraught she had been. And then she told them about how loving Jon had been before she left for the hotel.

“I am at my wit’s end. I don’t know what to think, I don’t know what to do. All I know is that I have got to make a decision this week, once and for all. I can’t go on like this. I am drinking way too much, but I just don’t seem to care anymore.”

“Oh, honey, we are here for you, whatever you need. You know that. Even if life seems to be against you, you will always have us.” Lizzie put her arms around her friend.

“The snake, how can he do this to you, after you put him through med school, gave him two wonderful sons, and catered to his every need all these years? I guess it was all too good to be true. Maybe I had the right idea after all, getting rid of the man in my life years ago.” Angie was livid.

“Now, now, Ang, calm down, your situation with Michael was completely different. He loved you with every fiber of his being.” Katy went on, “I know we are all upset with Jon right now, but maybe there is more to this. Maybe Julie was mistaken. You really need to get Jon’s side of the story. Does he even know that you suspect anything?”

“I don’t think Julie would lie to me. She has been through this herself,” Marianne answered as the tears rolled down her cheeks once again.

“Well, Marianne, there is just one thing you can do,” Katy said. “When the week is over, you’ll go home, confront Jon and get everything out in the open. You get his side of the story and go from there. He may break your heart. You may split up. You may stay together. There is no use fretting about it or ruining your health because of it. I know this sounds harsh, but it is your only option. You cannot walk out on him after all these years without at least hearing him out. Do the boys know anything, by the way?”

“No, I haven’t had the heart to tell them. I have been trying to keep things as normal as possible so they don’t suspect a problem. Jackson was home from school last weekend. And Jordan is so busy with football and school and girls, he wouldn’t notice if anything were amiss anyway, I don’t think.”

“Let’s not let this ruin our week. You need to put it out of your mind, as Copyright 2016 - 2024