Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,9

matching skintight tank top and a pair of jeans that look as though they were painted on her.

She kneels, and I love to see her in this position. To join our club as an uncollared sub, she had to have taken online classes, and with this simple action, she’s taken her training to heart. She’s not perfect, but I can tell she’s teachable.

“Stand, my gem.” And with my command, she pushes to her feet. I pat the seat next to me. “Please sit down,” I order, and she never hesitates but sits immediately.

“Juliana,” I begin, and when I do, she physically blanches at my use of her full name. “Do you not want me to call you Juliana?” I ask.

She lowers her eyes. “Sir, if it pleases you, call me whatever you’d like.”

I tip her eyes to mine, her emeralds piercing me with her God-given beauty. “That’s not the question. If you don’t want me to call you Juliana, I won’t.”

She attempts to lower her eyes, but I steady her chin, not giving her a chance to look away. “Sir, in that case, I’d rather you call me Jewel.”

Interesting, and I have to tackle this right now. “I will, precious, but will you please tell me why you don’t want Juliana?”

My finger is still on her chin. “It’s my family name—what my parents, and our community call me. I don’t like Juliana as much as I love the freeing nature of Jewel. It was my decision to begin this life with a new name my best friend has always called me. I know I can’t separate the two lives. It’s not that simple, but for now, while I’m under the thumb of my father, I need to separate it as much as I can.”

I remove my finger and when she detours her eyes from me, like all good subs do, I challenge her. “Jewel, I need you to look at me when we talk.” She’s not comfortable with this command, but she obeys. “Under your father’s thumb? Please explain this.” We have a connection I don’t understand, but this is the first I’ve heard about this.

She closes her eyes and when I’m about to challenge her, she opens them, a rogue tear threatening to spill onto her majestic face.

“I’m sorry, Sir, it’s quite hard to explain, but since I’d never deny you anything, please bear with me as I attempt to try.”

My fingers curl around her neck, and in this one intimate move, she startles when her smile widens. “Thank you, Sir,” she offers, and when she clears her throat, she takes in a deep breath. “My father is a preacher at our local church, as you know.” She starts to tremble, but with my fingers dancing up her arm, she’s able to continue. “He’s pretty much given me an ultimatum to marry a boy my age who I can’t ever love.”

At this revelation, my jaw becomes rigid, and I find it almost impossible to swallow.

“When I turned the offer down,” she begins, “my father asked me what my plans were. As you can understand, I can’t tell him about this”—she laughs nervously—“but I’ve always wanted to attend college.” Her eyes tear up. “My father insists it’s not needed since I’ll marry one day soon. I won’t need a higher education.”

She spills it all in one long explanation, and I can’t find my bearing with this information overload. I want to storm out of here, move Jewel to her own apartment, and give her the choices her father won’t. I know this is what Drake Danner would do for her. He’s pretty much spelled it out in his file.

My teeth clench tightly as I rub the back of her neck, our connection still forged with my touch. I need more from her, but I can’t think straight. One night with her and she overloads my senses. “And you can’t leave?” It’s an obvious question with a simple answer. Hell yes, run as fast as you can.

“I can’t. I have nowhere to go. My best friend’s parents offered to take me in, but my father would excommunicate them from the church. I can’t have any of this on my conscience.” Her lips tremble, but she won’t allow any tears to fall from her beautiful eyes. “I’m sorry, this isn’t your concern. I shouldn’t be burdening you. It’s just that you asked me why I don’t like being called Juliana, and well, this was my long-winded reason.” She begins this nervous as Copyright 2016 - 2024