Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,10

fuck quiet laugh again, and it’s cute. Hell, she’s cute. She’s more than cute; she’s gorgeous.

“No, I have to know this about you,” I blurt out, and in her eyes, I can read the question she wants to ask next, but she knows better. “Are you at all curious why I need to know this about you?”

She nods her head. “Jewel, my precious gem, I need a verbal answer from you,” I command.

“Yes, Sir, I have wondered, but it was not my place to ask.” I’ve not demanded for her eyes to be turned downward, and she continues to stare at me, but I don’t contain my carnal desire. It finally overpowers me, and I physically uproot her ass from my couch, placing her on my lap, as the growing member controlling my desires strains to find her.

“It’s no secret you and I shared a connection our first night together. And I’m not ready to see you with another Dom, but I can’t commit to you either.” Her emerald eyes widen, and her breath hitches, but she stays quiet. “The honest truth, I don’t know you well enough, and when I was told a new Dom wanted to meet you, I became irrational.”

I start at the hem of her tight ass tank top and pull it over her head. “Say the words, and I’ll stop.” She doesn’t speak, and her moan spurs me on. “And this man, he’s perfect for you, but I’m a self-proclaimed asshole.” My words stop because I’m giving her a chance as I remind her about me. “I’m moody and set in my ways, but the bottom line is I can’t offer you what you want, what you deserve.”

“And if I tell you I want your moody self, shouldn’t I have a say in it?” Leaning around her, I unlatch her bra, and her tits spill over in my hands. Talking is over, and she’s not stopped me. The only thing I think of is the same safe word as before. I’ve never remembered a sub’s safe word after the fact. But I do with her because she’s the exception to all my rules.

“Church, say it and I’m done.”

Her words are breathy and low when she replies, “Yes, Sir.”

I stand, pulling her by her small waist, to my level. She’s not short—almost five-foot-eight to my six-foot-two height—so with her heels, she’s almost as tall as I am.

“To the wall, gem,” I command, pointing at the closest wall without anything against it. “Hands over your head, face away from me.” She’s naked from the waist up. When I open my drawer of toys near me, I pull out the tickler, remembering how she loves everything about this little torture device from the first night.

From the top of the hands over her head, down her arms, over her shoulders, and down her back, she’s quiet but affected by what I’m executing on her body right now.

“Unbutton your pants.” And because she loves to obey me, she does what I ask. She leaves them up, and I take the opportunity, pulling down everything with her tight as fuck jeans. “I love this ass of yours.” I give it a little spank, leaving a sting on my hand, and her mewls prolong the basic need I find in Jewel.

I pick her up by the waist and swing her around, tossing her lightly on the couch. Her cunt is on display, with her jeans still down around her ankles and the fuck me heels she has on. Pulling a condom from my same play drawer near us, I push down my pants, then roll the condom on my raging hard cock.

“So tell me…”

She answers me before I get the question out. “No one, I’ve been with no one else.”

I want to high-five myself like the man child I am, but I tip my lips from the serious Dom pose to a broad smirk. “I’m not stopping, but I can’t be gentle, either, precious.”

“Yes, Sir, I just want you.” I place my index finger on her lips before she can say much more that would make me want to stop what I have in mind.

But I can’t just push into her. Fuck, if I had known before that she was a virgin, I would have prepared her. Of course, if I would have known, I would had never fucked her either, because I don’t do virgins.

“I need to taste you. I need to sear your flavor onto my tongue.” She gives me Copyright 2016 - 2024