Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,8

majestic self in the shower, soaping up her gorgeous body. When she turns around and our eyes lock on one another, she smiles at me. She’s not mad or upset I’ve interrupted her in a very intimate way because she winks at me.

“Do you like what you see, Sir?” She twists her body around and bends over, putting her fine ass on display. Fuck, she knows how to hurt me.

“Juliana, please come find me in my office when you are done getting ready.” Her eyes widen when I use her full name. “I love your God-given name, by the way, saw it on your keys.”

Her smile at me watching her changes to an expression I can’t quite read. I will ask about her name later, but for now, I have plans for my precious gem. “Did you hear me, Juliana? Come see me when you are finished,” I demand.

She turns around and all the soap is off her tits. I’m at a loss for words, but her reply is simple with her head dropped low. “Yes, Sir.”

I shut the door behind me, adjusting myself, a little ashamed I’d interrupted her private moment. If it were another man peeking in on her, his ass would be kicked out. And I’d never had done this to another woman, but it’s not like I don’t know what my precious gem looks like naked.

I storm to my office, raging with myself on so many levels. Jay passes through a doorway, only to back step. “Maddox. Good, you’re here,” he begins, but I’m glad to see him, too. I have a task for him.

“Yeah, just got here. Do me a favor, would you?” I don’t wait for him to say yes because quite honestly, I don’t have the time for it. “I need that member’s file emailed to me immediately.”

He stops, walking toward me with something outstretched in his hand. “I’m one step ahead of you. Just in case you need it, here’s a hard copy, boss.” After taking the file from Jay, I continue to my office. Swiping my card again, I call behind me. “By the way, Jewel has permission to come to me before meeting with the new potential Dom.”

She’s a sneaky little thing, avoiding the dungeon masters to get to me one time. She got caught and was given a written warning. The next would lead to her being kicked out.

“Sure thing, boss,” he calls after me.

Turning on the light to my office, I don’t make it to my desk. Instead, I throw myself back on the couch, a little optimistic that this man will be the right fit for Jewel. If he is, I’ll happily step aside, or so I tell myself. But she’s so young in the world of BDSM. Well, she’s fucking young as hell, too, so my need to make sure she’s with the right guy is my duty since I was her first.

It's what I continue to tell myself as I search through the file. Drake Danner, thirty-four, a bank investment president. Well, that must be boring as fuck! I continue to flip through his file. Medical testing up to date. Was just given a private room in this club and wants a full-time submissive and a partner. Will support his sub in her dreams. Goals: Marriage.

Well, fuck, this is everything Jewel had told me that night after I freaked the fuck out over taking her virginity, only to find out she’s a preacher’s kid. This is what she wants in life.

It’s the perfect fit, it truly is, and everything I can’t give her. A family of my own has never been something I’ve thought of for my future, not after the first time I fell in love. I have my mother, sister, and niece, and they are enough for me in this world.

I should be happy for her. I really should. She’ll get what she wants, but then I stop to think. I really don’t know what she wants, besides me and marriage. I have no idea what her goals are or what her home life entails. Hell, she may be going off to college this fall. With Drake Danner’s file in my hand, I don’t care one iota what he wants. I need to understand what Jewel needs.

I remain on my couch, right behind the door, and when a knock grabs my attention, I don’t open it. Instead, I call out, “Come in.”

Jewel enters in a pair of bright red three-inch heels with a Copyright 2016 - 2024