Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,7

that they could help her with, so one day she’d trust herself in her own decisions. It makes sense, and unlike me, Tori has the support of her parents when she leaves for college next week.

“I heard that the whole courting/marriage proposal thing didn’t go as planned.” I cut my gaze to the front porch, a hundred yards away, and her mother is waving at me. “My parents are so mad. If you need a place to stay, they’ll take you in.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah, they know they’d need to leave the church, and it would be sad. Your dad would never let them stay, but my parents know what they’re doing to you is wrong.”

I could never be the reason for them being excommunicated from the church. “I’ll think about it,” I lie when I take the bag. Tori has a small idea of my desires but doesn’t know about the club.

“Okay, I won’t ask, but here is all you need. And I put a new toothbrush in there, so you can make your breath minty fresh.”

I peek into the bag with a tight pair of dark jeans, red heels, at least three inches, and a red bustier. “Do I want to know why you have this?” I point at the top.

“I thought you might need it.” She gives me an all-knowing wink when I take her in my arms. “You are the best friend there is. I hope you know this, right?” I ask.

“Am I best friend enough to tell me what you are going to do with this?”

I don’t respond but give her another tight hug. Climbing back into my truck, I make my way to the club.

As a club submissive, I don’t have the run of it, though I’ve snuck around once to Maddox’s office to challenge him.

All Doms and their subs are given passcodes to the building. Club subs are given the dungeon master’s code to alert him we're at the facility so he can buzz us in. Though, I do have the code to enter the gated area, surrounding the old warehouse building.

I punch in Jay’s personal number. It pages his cell phone when the speaker calls out. “Ms. Atkins, you are fairly early.”

“Yes, Master Jay. And I’m sorry. But I was wondering if I could get changed in the subs’ dressing room. I had to leave my house very unexpectedly.”

“Yes, of course, Ms. Atkins. But I trust you’ll stay in the submissive area until someone comes to get you?”

“Master Jay, I promise.” He buzzes the door open. He knows I’ve snuck to get to Maddox before. He’s acted as if he’d not known, but I secretly think he has been rooting for the two of us.

“Good girl, Ms. Atkins. Please remain there, and I’ll come to get you when Mr. Danner is ready for you.”

The speaker is silent, and as I enter through the submissive area, I turn on the lights and make a mad dash to the changing room. It’s decked out with everything, showers, makeup, club clothes, towels. Taking a gander at my watch, then over to the showers, I wonder if I have time to wash off all the BS my father slung at me today. With two hours before my scheduled appointment, I decide it’s exactly what I need.

Chapter Three


The easiest way into the club while avoiding the most people is through the submissives’ lounge, and when I swipe my card and open the door, the most angelic voice greets me, singing Janis Joplin’s “Bobby McGee.” I stand near the changing area to listen. Something gets my attention on one of the many small tables that are set throughout the subs’ lounge—it’s a set of keys.

Picking them up, I see a small Washington state replica of our license plates. It says Juliana on it. For the first time since I’ve known her, I realize Jewel isn’t her God-given name. Next to the name tag, if I had any doubt this wasn’t my Jewel’s set of keys, is a picture of her with a pretty brunette. She’s here much earlier than her scheduled appointment with the jackass who wants to bed her. And I’m not sure if this works to my advantage or it’s my curse that I can’t contain myself around her.

Going back to the dressing room door, I pound on it, and when she doesn’t answer, I peek in to get her attention. It cracks open without any issue. But what I don’t expect to see is her beautiful Copyright 2016 - 2024