Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,6

new Dom may be a good match. He’d like to meet you at one p.m. today. Are you free?”

Master Jay basically says Maddox is a pipe dream, and I better get him out of my system to move on.

“Yes, Master Jay,” I whisper. “What would he like me to wear?” And Jay is right; Maddox is never going to be an option for me.

All Doms have a vision of how they want to see their girls, especially someone new.

Jay knows my situation and my controlling father. “Can you do sexy but casual at the same time?” he asks.

“Jeans, heels, and a tight top?” I need specifics because it’s what I’ve learned in my three months immersed in the club.

“Perfect, but one word of advice, I’d pull your hair up.” I wince because that’s Maddox’s vice, too. He loves a naked neck. With that, we say our goodbyes, and I hurry downstairs before my father strains his vocal cords.

I’ve only had one pancake. I’m not hungry, not with my father’s reaction to me concerning Johnny’s courting request from last night, which is just an easy way of saying I’m his without any fringe benefits. No handholding, no kissing, no roving, and certainly no sex. We’d basically marry without any sexual appeal on my end.

My father would have a cardiac arrest if he knew I lost my virginity to an older man and one with similar kinks as myself. “You need to eat more, honey,” my mom begins, dropping another pancake and more bacon on my plate. When my father clears his throat, I know this is the beginning of a long chat, one that starts out with how disappointed he is in me.

“Juliana, now that you have declined Johnny’s offer, with his intention of marrying you, what are you planning on doing?”

I’m wrong. We are skipping straight to the consequences of going against his plans for me.

“Well, funny you ask, Dad. It’s just August, and school hasn’t started yet. I thought I’d drive on down to the community college and apply for the fall semester. Maybe try again for the scholarship I was too late in accepting last year.” What I want to say is it’s all your fault. I missed out on the full ride, but I know well enough to tame my tongue.

“Juliana, you know how I feel about that.”

“But, Daddy, I want to work. I want to support myself and then date someone I find as an equal in my life.” I may be a submissive, but I want to be a submissive and someone’s partner, too.

“Well, work is certainly something you are going to do until you get your head in the right gear. Mr. Hallet has an opening at the dairy farm about thirty minutes from here. He’s been graceful enough to take you on until you come to your senses. You start today at three p.m.”

“What?” I stand, pushing back my chair with so much force, it falls down.

“You want to live your own life but still have a roof over your head, then I would do what I say, Juliana.”

My eyebrows knit together, and my stare falls on him. “You’d kick me out if I wanted to better myself by going to school?”

He pushes to his feet, his face moving mighty close to mine. “If that is what it takes to get you to understand. I know what’s best for you.” He crosses the small eat-in kitchen, stopping at our screen door. “And if you know what’s best for you, Juliana, you’ll be at the farm today, or you can come back and move out.”

He rotates his body, crossing the living room and taking the steps two at a time. Then the door to his bedroom slams right above me in the kitchen. I grab the keys to the old beat-up truck he allows me to use. He’d never let me take this if I moved out. I sulk out of the house, my mom crying from the screen door as I peel out of the driveway. I’m beat, and we all know it.

Tori is at the front of her long driveway when I pull up close to her mailbox. She has a bag of clothes I’ve asked her to borrow. Her parents are a part of the church, but they are mild in their approach to parenting when it comes to Tori, compared to the warden who rules my life. Her mother once said it was like giving her more choices, each year, Copyright 2016 - 2024