Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,13


That was so true. Eventually she would have to go home. Why was he being so stubborn? Why couldn’t he just leave well enough alone?

“Shyla you may as well open up. I am not going anywhere. Please.” He sounded desperate and he knew it but he didn’t care. “Come on baby, I need to talk to you.” He put his forehead up against the door and knocked again. Still she did not answer. “I know you’re there. I can hear you breathing, baby.” She then put her hand over her mouth.

“And your shadow is under the doorway, Shyla.”

Shyla eased back a few steps. She could see his shadow from the doorway too. It’s a wonder he wasn’t lying on the floor peeking under the door. That would be a dead giveaway.

“If you won’t come out or let me in at least listen. I think we have something special. I don’t know what you are afraid of but we can figure something out.” His voice got softer. A couple came off the elevator and smiled at him when they were passing him by. “Listen I’m going to leave now. I don’t want to do this out in the hallway. Too many ears and eyes, but I just want you to know that I am not going to give up. That explosion didn’t make itself up; the kiss didn’t happen on its own, Shyla. There’s something powerful between us.” He hit his head softly on the door twice and then turned and walked away. But not before telling her good night and to dream about him.

She touched her still swollen lips. No the kiss didn’t happen on its own and if she had the opportunity she would do it again. But she didn’t want to be attached or a kept woman. She was so confused. She wanted to open the door and fall into his arms. But she knew that it would complicate things. She wasn’t ready to have a relationship especially one with Zackary Trellis. What was she so afraid of? Was it more to it than being hurt by another man? A man who didn’t even have what it took to call himself a man.

That next morning Kemah and Shyla sat down to breakfast in their hotel room. They ate in silence. Kemah knew that Shyla was upset with her because she gave her whereabouts up to Zackary but she also knew that unless someone helped them with this relationship that was inevitable it would take forever to get off the ground.

“What’s wrong with you?”


“Then why are you not eating you food? You’re just playing in it. Do you know how many people go hungry on a daily basis and you aren’t even touching your plate?”

“I am touching my plate. See.” Shyla touched the tip of her plate with one lone finger. “Just because I haven’t eaten a bite means nothing.”

“You always have to be so technical.”

Shyla dropped her fork on her plate and it chimed against her water glass.

“And you have to always be in my damn business,” she snapped. “I asked you not to tell him where I was and you did just that.”

“First of all don’t use that tone with me and technically, as you always like things, you said don’t tell him the room number. I did not tell him where you were. Technically I only told him what time it was and that I would be coming back to our hotel around two o’clock. So talk what you know.” She rolled her eyes and continued with her meal.

“Damn it Kemah. I know you,” she pointed. “That is not all you said.” She started pacing. And then she turned quickly and knew what she had probably done. “What time did you say it was?”


“Oh you heard me, Miss Kemah. What time did you tell Zackary it was?”

She put her head down and started picking at her nail. “My goodness I need a fill, bad. Didn’t we just go to the shop a week ago? I wonder if they have any nail shops around here. That’s the only shop we haven’t come across. I just know that it’s going to cost a pretty penny. But hey it won’t be mine,” she snickered. “I won a jackpot, baby, and I’ve decided to get braids, too.”

Shyla stomped her foot. “Kemah? Answer me right this minute.”

“Didn’t you just say something to me yesterday about throwing a tantrum like a three year old?” she said, narrowing her eyes just a little. Copyright 2016 - 2024