Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,12

the rest of this so-called vacation. You were supposed to have my back.”

“Girl, please. Zackary was doing a great job having your back.”


Oh, if looks could kill. “Fine have it your way. But I am going to continue to get my groove on and I will see you in the morning. Don’t be too surprised if he comes a knocking at your door tonight.” Kemah laughed it off.

She rolled her eyes at her friend. “He better not, because if he does you and I are going to have it out. He doesn’t have the room number and the only way he gets it would be through you.

“He can always get it from the front desk.”

“Not likely Kemah.” She snuck out to the front to hail a cab and headed down the road to their hotel. She didn’t understand why they always came to that particular lounge. Zackary was always somewhere around.

Chapter Four

“Where did she go?” Zackary said breathlessly. He felt like he had just run a marathon.

Kemah answered, nonchalantly. “Shyla? Oh she took a cab back to the hotel. Sorry she’s a little freaked.”

“What about? We were having such a good time. We were finally connecting.”

“I’ll say you were,” he smiled and it reminded her of, him, but she wouldn’t dwell on it. “Just give her some time. She’ll come around. And before you ask I can’t give you the room number because she’d kill me. She already warned me.” She looked down at her watch. “Boy will you look at the time.” She tapped her watch.

“It’s two-seventy-eight.” He then looked at his own watch. Why? There was no such time.

“Kemah, I think something’s wrong with your watch.” Or maybe she has dyslexia, he thought.

“No look.” She showed him her watch. “It’s two-seventy-eight. I told Shyla that I would be out for a while and that I wouldn’t need another Margarita until I went back to the hotel.”

“Why would you need to wait to get a marg-?”

Kemah began shaking and nodding her head yes. He realized that she was saying the room number and place they were staying.

“You’re right it is two-seventy-eight. I should probably get that second hand checked on my watch; he tapped it several times then held it to his ear. And you say you like margaritas?”

“Yes. Margaritas, on the beach. Love them, on the beach. I think when I turn in I’ll get one, oh, about a half mile east of here.”

“I like margaritas too. So I’ll probably head on down there now. Maybe I’ll run in to someone I know,” he winked. Kemah smiled reluctantly. Not only was Shyla going to kill her she couldn’t shake the feeling about her ex. Were there still feelings there? She thought they were long gone just as he was but since meeting Zackary the feelings and a few dreams came rushing back at her. Well she wasn’t going to dwell on it. She was rooting for Shyla. One of them needed to have a man. She wasn’t out looking so it may as well be Shyla.

“Well I’m getting back out there on the dance floor before I have to head back. I hope my friend has gotten over her issues by the time I get there. Did I mention that it was two-seventy-eight? Time is ticking.” She tapped her watch as he had earlier.

“Yes you mentioned that. Thanks for the heads up, about the time and the good margaritas down the road.”

“No problem. Have a good time.”

“I hope to. Do you have a way back to the hotel?”

“Yes. My girlfriend and I rented a car for the time that we are here. She refused to take it so she left if with me. I’ll probably go back to the hotel in about an hour or so.”

“I’ll try and remember that.”

Shyla was sitting on her balcony when her doorbell rang. She knew it couldn’t be Kemah because she had a key card and she knew it wasn’t room service because she didn’t order anything, so that left only one other person.


She looked out the peephole and there he stood just as fine as could be.

“I am going to kill Kemah,” she swore under her breath. “I knew she was going to do this. I knew it.”

“Shyla I know that you’re in there.” When she didn’t answer he continued to ring the bell and knock on the door. “Shyla we need to talk. If not today then tomorrow or the next but we will talk. You can’t stay in there Copyright 2016 - 2024