Come Share My Love - By Carrie Macon Page 0,14

The look on Shyla’s face was nothing to play with. It was like her face transformed into rage. Friend or not Kemah knew when to stop. “Okay. If you must know I told him that it was two-seventy-eight,” she whispered the latter.



“Two-seventy, that’s no time, that’s our room number. I can’t believe you.” She screamed.

“For what it’s worth it took him a minute to catch on.”

She turned away from her friend and left the room without another word and slammed her bedroom door.

Kemah smiled to herself. She knew that Shyla wouldn’t stay mad at her forever. Besides they were best friends and nothing, not even matchmaking would break them apart. “And you better stop slamming doors before they kick us out of here.”

There was a knock at the door. It was Zackary.

“Good morning Miss Kemah. Is your friend here or is she still avoiding me?”

“She’s here. We just had it out a little while ago and she’s been held up in her room ever since.”

“Because of me?”

“Yes, because of you. You know it’s because of you.” Kemah and Zackary both smiled. “But don’t worry, she’s just being stubborn and knows that I am right.”

“I don’t want the two of you having problems because of me.”

“Please, not even death can separate us. I told you don’t worry. We’re fine. I’ll get her for you.”

Knock, knock. No answer. Knock, knock. Still, no answer. Kemah decided to just walk in. Shyla was standing at the window looking out.

“Stubborn ass, I know you heard me knocking at that door.”

“And I don’t recall telling you to come in, snitcher. So will you please leave?”

“Snitcher?” she snickered. “Fine Shyla. I will tell your little boyfriend to just come in.”

“Zackary? He’s here?”

“Zackary? He’s here?” Kemah mimicked and started to walk out the door.

“Kee, wait.”

“Oh so now it’s Kee wait. How may I help you, ungrateful ass?”

“Is he really here? You wouldn’t be pulling my leg would you?”

“Come see for yourself.”

“I don’t have on any clothes. I’m not dressed to see him.”

“Then you better get dressed because I am leaving and I’ll leave him here so that you two can talk.”

“No. Please don’t leave. I love you.” Shyla reached for Kemah but she moved away.

“Yeah, yeah. That’s what your mouth says.”

“Please Kemah. Don’t leave. Can you tell him that I will be out in just a few minutes? I need to get myself together. There’s no way that I’ll be able to avoid him this time. He’s already in the suite.”

Kemah looked at Shyla and shook her head. “The things people go through when they are trying to fight love. I’ll do it this time but if you ever talk to me the way you did earlier not only am I going to beat you down I will tell him all of your embarrassing moments.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Shyla said smugly.

“Oh trust me. I would. And will have fun doing it. Now get dressed and get your big butt out here. I am not staying here all day. Be advised that if you are not out there in ten minutes I am sending him in.”

“I’ll be there.” Kemah backed out the door.


“I heard that.”

They both laughed as she closed the door.”

“She’ll be out in a few minutes. She’s dressing.”

“So what kind of mood is she in?” He talked with his hands. “Should I have brought flowers or something?”

“You’ve known Shyla for a while. Have you ever seen her in a good mood?”

“I can’t say that I have. Well except for last night when we danced. Other than that, I can’t recall that I have.”

“Well she isn’t like she was when you were dancing but she’s not like she was afterwards either. So you have about a fifty-fifty chance of succeeding in your visit today.”

“That’s good to know. I’ll give it my best shot.”

“Think of it this way, you only got one shot, make it count. Besides, she knows she can’t run since you’re already here.”

Zackary smiled and nodded. He wasn’t about to miss out on this opportunity of having his say today.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“Do you have a brother?”

“Unfortunately no,” she was relieved until his next statement. “I have two brothers, twins to be exact.” That statement made her feel much better. Her ex was not a twin. Thank God for that. Two of them running around the world would be too much.

Shyla was indecisive about what to wear. It was too hot for jeans. Her butt was too big for shorts and Copyright 2016 - 2024