Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,80


“Derek, I’m a divorce lawyer.”

He sighed heavily. “So, something boring. Restraining order? Seriously, I’m being dragged away from my sexy lady for a restraining order?”

“It’s more complicated than that. The husband is cheating and she wants a divorce, but she can’t get it in Illinois without losing everything. We’re moving her, but we had to have her sign a will so the husband wasn’t suspicious. If he finds out that she’s planning on taking away everything from him, he could have her killed and take everything.”

More silence. “Wow, and who came up with this brilliant plan that could put her life in potential danger?”

“Anna, but there’s more to the story than that.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet. Let me talk to Cap. We may have to contract this one out. I’m not sure if the company has any teams available for such a lengthy assignment.”

“Thanks, man.”

“Yeah, you owe me big time. And tell Eric that I want an invite to the wedding. I’m hurt that he hasn’t told me.”

“You are not.”

“Fine, I’m not, but you can bet that I’ll lay it on thick when he finally gets around to calling me.”

“If it makes you feel any better, he and Kat aren’t really planning this. The town sort of took over.”

“Christ, I’m glad I don’t live there.”

“Right, just amongst people that kill others for fun.”

“Hey, it’s not for fun. Mostly.”

“Whatever. I’ll talk to you later.”


I had finished with work hours ago and Robert still wasn’t home. I was bored. Even with a whole city around me, ready to explore, I was so bored that I was ready to go to bed, just to have something to do. I didn’t care about exploring the city. I longed for the quiet of the country. I wanted to walk out my front door and sit on my patio. Okay, my patio was technically a patch of dirt, but someday I would have that house that I wanted and I would be able to sit on the wrap around porch any time I wanted and enjoy the peace and quiet of the country.

I could look out the windows from here, but if I wanted to go out, that required me to go down in the elevator and walk through the lobby, only to be greeted by dozens of people walking on the streets. That was no way to live.

I glanced at the clock again, noting that only ten minutes had passed. It was now ten after ten and there was still no word from Robert. Maybe I should just go to bed. I turned off the TV and headed for the bedroom when my phone rang. I quickly picked it up, smiling when I saw it was him.

“Hey, I’m running across the field right now to come get you.”

I frowned, confused. “What? What field?”

“The corn field. I’ll be there in ten. Meet me out front.”

“Robert, I’m in the city. Are you down at my house?”

“No,” he sighed. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “I know exactly where you are. Just go with it.”

I bit my lip and grinned. “Alright. Ten minutes.”

“And Anna, dress warm.”

I hung up and quickly pulled on my sweatpants and sweatshirt, then headed for the front hall, taking out my coat, a hat, and a scarf. I rushed out of the apartment, barely remembering to lock the door, then hurried downstairs. The doorman looked at me like I was insane, dressed like a hobo and hurrying out into the night. I shoved the door open, grinning as I ran outside. I looked to my left, but I didn’t see him. I turned just as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard. I laughed against his lips as he slipped his hands inside my coat, pressing them against my skin.

“Your hands are freezing,” I yelped.

“You’ll keep me warm.”

He grabbed my hand and started running, pulling me along behind him as we raced down the street.

“Where are we going?” I shouted, laughing as passersby stared at us.

“To see the stars,” he yelled over his shoulder.

We got to the crosswalk and raced across the street, just barely making it across before a car zoomed past us.

“You’re crazy! You’re going to get us killed!”

But he didn’t stop. He just kept running until we saw a sign that said Oak Street Beach. We ran across the deserted beach until he pulled me down into the sand just feet from the edge of the water. Pushing me down in the sand, he laid down on top Copyright 2016 - 2024