Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,81

of me and kissed me hard, wrapping his hand up in my hair as he possessed me. When he pulled back, there was a feeling of normalcy that settled between us.

He slowly rolled off me and took my hand in his as we stared up at the sky. “I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted,” he started, taking me back to all those years ago when he used to do this very same thing.

“I want to be happy.”

His thumb brushed against my hand. “I don’t want you to ever have to worry about money again.”

I turned my head to watch him. “I want you to always kiss me like you need me.”

He slowly turned to me, his gaze burning into mine. “I always will.” He slowly rolled on top of me, his hands slipping under my sweater to cup my breast. “If there’s one thing these past thirteen years have taught me, it’s that I wasn’t really living without you. I don’t ever want to lose you again.”

His lips met mine and his hand slid down to my pants, pushing at them just like when we were kids. I could feel his erection pressing against me. I could feel the way he needed me, not just for sex, but for the connection we had. I lifted my hips and allowed him to push down my pants. Then his fingers were buried inside me and he was fucking me, his lips kissing me all over. I fumbled for his belt, needing more than just his fingers right now. It didn’t matter that we were on a public beach or that we were in the city. Right now, it was like we had shifted back in time and it was just the two of us, making love under the stars.

I shoved his pants down over his ass and spread my legs, allowing him to settle between them. In one swift move, he was settled inside me. Our breath huffed out in little white puffs all around us as he slowly moved in and out of me. His hands were in my hair and his lips kissed my nose and then my mouth, then over to my ear. His cock thrust slowly in and out, making me feel every inch of him. I gasped, not able to get enough of him.

“I love you, Anna,” he whispered in my ear. I wanted to say it back. I wanted to give him all of me, but I was still scared. With one final thrust, he spilled himself inside me and pulled back to look into my eyes. I saw the uncertainty. I saw the longing, but most of all, I saw the disappointment. I swallowed hard, trying to find something to say, anything to make this moment better. If I said it now, he would know I was only saying it because he had. What’s that saying? If the answer doesn’t immediately come, maybe it’s better left unsaid? Something like that.

I wasn’t sure where we went from here, but he bent down and kissed me. I knew he was about to say something when a bright light shone over us.

“Hey! The beach is closed. You can’t be here.”

“Oh shit,” Robert muttered, pulling out of me and quickly pulling up his pants as I did the same. He pulled me to my feet as the police officer ran toward us. We took off, my hat flying off my head as we ran for the street.

“Hurry!” Robert shouted, pulling me along behind him. I was laughing so hard that I could barely keep up. The crosswalk sign flickered on just as we reached it. We ran across the street and headed toward his apartment. When I glanced back, I saw the cop had been stopped at the crosswalk and we were in the clear. We laughed all the way to his building, and when the door man let us inside, Robert pushed me up against the wall and kissed me again. I melted into his touch, our cold noses brushing against each other.

“Come on,” he whispered. “Let’s get upstairs and warm up.”

“And shower,” I laughed. “I’m pretty sure I have sand in my vagina.”

I was just finishing up for the day when my phone rang, and it was a number I didn’t recognize.


“Anna, thank God, I really need someone that’s not a complete idiot to talk to. Please tell me you’re free for lunch tomorrow.”

“Uh…” I frowned, pulling my lip in between my teeth. I Copyright 2016 - 2024