Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,79

orgasm raced through her. She strangled my cock with her pussy and then cried out as I rammed my thumb in and out of her ass, driving her orgasm even higher. I exploded inside her, my cum leaking out of her as I laid against her back, panting hard.

I pulled my suit jacket on and made sure my tie was straight as I stared down at Anna sleeping. She looked amazing in my bed, and I planned to keep her there this time around. The last time she was here, she didn’t really want to give me a chance. I think I knew that deep down. This time was different. I could feel her giving in to me. I could feel her finally letting go of the baggage between us.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and bent over her, brushing my lips against hers. She flinched back, swatting at her face before falling back to sleep. Chuckling to myself, I did it again. This time, she scrunched up her nose and groaned. I kissed her again and again until she finally kissed me back.

“Good morning.”

She opened those beautiful eyes and blinked slowly. “That’s kind of a mean way to wake someone up.”

“Mean would have been me kissing you here,” I said, slipping my hand under the covers to her underwear, “and then leaving before you got off.”

Her breath hitched and she spread her legs. I could feel her heat through the thin fabric of her panties, and I couldn’t help myself. I slid my fingers inside and brushed them over her wet lips. Slowly, I trailed my fingers up to her clit, but just when I was getting started, my phone rang.

She groaned in frustration as I pulled out my phone, continuing to play with her. It was my brother, Derek.

“Hey, man. We missed you at Thanksgiving.”

“Yeah,” he said hesitantly. “We uh…some shit went down at work. It was completely out of my control.”

I grunted, knowing all too well how that went. “Listen, I need a favor.”

“Does this involve Anna?”

I frowned and pulled my fingers away from her. I couldn’t concentrate on both tasks at the same time, and I didn’t want to accidentally tell him that I was fingering her when I was talking about Rebecca.

“Hold on.”

I bent over and kissed Anna, holding my hand over the speaker of the phone. “I’ll see you tonight. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

“Does the doorman know I’m allowed back in?” she asked, her eyebrow quirking playfully.

“Yes, he knows. I’ll call you on my way home.” With another kiss, I walked out of the room and returned to my phone call. “Are you still there?”

“Was that Anna?”

“How the hell do you know about Anna?”

“Oh, come on. Joe called right after Thanksgiving and told me all about it. Besides, it’s on the town Facebook page.”

I stopped outside the elevator and frowned. “It’s what?”

“It’s on the town Facebook page.”

“Since when do you belong to that group? You don’t even live in Indiana.”

“Since the only time I hear about what’s going on with my brothers is when someone posts something about you.”

“This isn’t about Anna.”

“Then who were you kissing goodbye?”


“Ah, so this is about Anna.”

“No, this is about Rebecca.”

“Rebecca?” he asked in confusion. “Who’s she? Is she on the town Facebook page?”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the town Facebook page!” I shouted, flinching when the doors opened and I saw an older couple waiting to get on. I nodded my apologies and headed for my car. “Look, Rebecca is a client and I need your services for a while.”

“How long is a while?”

“I don’t know. A few months.”

“A few months? Do you have any idea how much that’s going to cut into my time with Claire? Do you know how many fantasies I’ll miss out on?”

I grimaced and got in my car, slamming the door. “Look, I don’t really need to hear about your fantasies with Claire.”

“I bet I could give you a few pointers.”

“Thanks, but I’m doing just fine with Anna.”

“Ah-ha! So, the rumors are true! I hear you’re planning a wedding and everything.”


“Yeah, and this is how I find out. Thanks a lot, man. Nice that everyone else in town knows you’re getting married before me.”

“I’m not getting married!”

“You’re not?”


“Then who is?”

“Eric and Kat.”

“Seriously?” There was a pause and then he exploded. “Does nobody tell me anything?”

I didn’t have time for this. “Can you help me or not?”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “What are we talking here? Ex-mafia? Sabotage? Ooh, Copyright 2016 - 2024