Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,62

an issue.” I paused and thought about that for a moment. “Well, if you asked me for a million dollars, I might have to take out a loan. I don’t have that much liquid cash.”

Her eyes widened and she shook her head slowly. “I can’t believe this.”

I stood and walked over to her, taking her hands in mine. “Look, I know this sounds outrageous, but I need this. I need someone I can trust, and frankly, if I ask anyone else, I have no idea how it’ll turn out. I trust you to say the right things.”

She pushed a hand through her hair. “What about your boss? I mean, bringing along a date to a business lunch is in poor taste, isn’t it?”

“He won’t be there.”

“I don’t know, Robert. I could mess everything up for you. I just-“

“Please,” I begged. “I sort of already told him that I had the solution to our problem. If I show up tomorrow for this lunch and I can’t get through to her, I’ll lose my job anyway. So, really, the pressure is off you.”

She laughed, shaking her head slightly. “You have to talk to Eric.”

“I will.”

“And I don’t have any fancy suits to wear to a meeting like this.”

“Trust me, it’s better if you don’t have one.”

She thought about it for another minute, and based on the worried look on her face, I really didn’t think she was going to go for it. She looked like she was ready to kick me out at any moment. But then she turned to me and grinned.

“What time do you need me there?”

“Seven. You should just pack a bag and come with me into the city. I can help get you prepared.”


This was ridiculous. I had lost my mind and jumped off the deep end. That was the only explanation for why I was in Robert’s car, headed for the city. I swore that I wouldn’t be involved with him in any way ever again, yet here I was, sitting in his fancy car with a bag in his trunk. I didn’t know what I was thinking. Scratch that, I didn’t know what he was thinking. The idea that I could somehow help him out with this case was ludicrous.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked, fidgeting in my seat. God, I was so nervous. I was going to ruin everything.

“Yes, I’m positive.”

“But what if she hates me and I end up pissing her off? I don’t exactly have the best temper.”

He grinned as he glanced over at me. “That’s what I’m counting on. See, everyone at the office walks on eggshells around her. They want to please her because she’s the moneymaker.”

“What about you?”

“I spoke my mind, and it didn’t turn out so well.”

“What did you say to her?”

He shrugged slightly. “I told her she had to relocate to New Hampshire for a speedy divorce and she balked at the idea. I told her that as long as the nanny was moving with them, he probably didn’t give a shit where they lived.”

My eyes widened and then I burst out laughing. “How could you say that?”

“Because it’s the truth and that’s what she needs to hear. She just didn’t want to hear it from a man.”

“Yeah, but she just found out her husband was cheating with the nanny. That was pretty insensitive.”

“I don’t give a shit. If she wants to protect her fortune, she needs to be angry. She needs to be ruthless. When she first came to us, we were sure that he knew that she wanted a divorce, but he’s still clueless, which gives us an advantage. If he knew she wanted a divorce, he would never move to New Hampshire.”


“Because it’s a no-fault state, but there are exceptions to that, and one of those exceptions is adultery. Illinois is a no-fault state also, but there are no exceptions. She would have to split everything with him. He would also get alimony because he stays home with the kids.”

“Wait, I thought you said they had a nanny.”

“Rich people can afford to do both.”

I thought on that for a moment. If I was in her position, I wouldn’t have a dime to split with my husband. “How much is she worth?”

He cleared his throat. “She pretty much owns half of Chicago. She has investments everywhere, and they extend past Chicago. She’s a ruthless businesswoman. I need her to be just as ruthless now.”

“But…do you think maybe he feels bad about cheating? Copyright 2016 - 2024