Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,61

still don’t see how I can help.”

“I’m planning to take Rebecca out to lunch tomorrow, see if I can get her to listen to me. Right now, all she sees is a bastard lawyer that wants her money.”

“Don’t you?”

I calmly looked at her. “Yes, I want her money. I have a job, and in order to keep that job, I have to bring in the money. She’s the source of that income. It’s not like I’m going to steal her money or anything, but I have to do my job, and the only way to do that is if she actually fucking listens to me.”

“And why would me being there make any difference?”

“I need her to see me as human. I need her to see me as the good guy.”

“Okay,” she said slowly. “I’m still not seeing how I can help.”

“I need you to…to come with me. Be my girlfriend, or better yet, my fiancé. I need you to talk me up, not in a pigheaded way, but in a way that would make you want me to be your lawyer. I need her to trust me with her case.”

“Robert, in case you haven’t noticed, we don’t exactly get along very well.”

“I realize that.”

“And I’m bound to say something shitty.”

“That’s probably for the best, just as long as it’s done in a loving way.”

“How do you say something shitty in a loving way?”

I sighed. “You know, He’s a real shark, and he’s definitely after your money, but he’s the best out there to deal with this.”

“You think backhanded compliments are going to work on her?” She cringed. “I gotta tell you, I don’t think that’s the way to play it.”

“So, you tell me what would work on you?”

She thought about it for a moment. “Well, you’re right on seeing the human side, and even partially on the acknowledgement of what kind of lawyer you are, but there has to be good stuff wrapped up in there too. I would need to know about other cases you’ve worked so I could play up the good that you’ve done for people.”

I shook my head. “I can’t give out client details.”

“I’m not asking for names and dates or anything. More like general scenarios. I wouldn’t come out and directly say anything about a case, but it would give me a tale to weave. She needs to see that side of you. And it would help if you didn’t look too cocky while I was doing it.”

“So, is that a yes? You’ll do this for me?”

“I can try, but I’m not sure I’ll get through to her. I’m not in the same world as you. Just because this might work with me doesn’t mean it would do anything for her. Maybe she’s just a bitch and doesn’t want to see your side on this.”

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I knew she was right. “I can’t give up, Anna. I have too much on the line. Besides, I think the two of you might get along really well.”

“In what world?”

“Rebecca is a lot like you. She’s strong-willed, a real ballbuster.”

Anna glowered at me. “I’m sorry, were you trying to get me on your side or not?”

I chuckled. “See? That’s what I need. You’re not afraid to tell it like it is, which honestly, I’m not sure where this side of you came from. You never used to be this outspoken,” I said, watching her face. She looked away from me, chewing the inside of her cheek.

“Well, when you have an aunt and uncle who think you’re trash, an alcoholic mother that destroys her life, and a town that loves to gossip, you have to grow a backbone.”

I nodded in understanding. “Look, I just need you to be there with me, make me look good, and if you get a good feeling from her, commiserate with her or something.”

“But I’m not a lawyer. I won’t even know half of what I’m saying.”

“I don’t need you to speak to her like a lawyer. I need you to be there for me, and act like a woman that’s in shock over what’s happening to her.”

“Frankly, that won’t take too much,” she muttered.

“And if you can do that for me, I’ll help you get your house.”


“Name your price.”

She stood and walked away from me, running her hand through her hair. “You can’t be serious. That’s insane.”

“I’m good for it. And if I get this promotion, I’ll get a pay raise. Trust me, money is not Copyright 2016 - 2024