Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,60

to think about Anna and her problems right now. I needed to figure out a solution to my current issues at work or I would be out of a job. Besides, Anna was a ball-buster. She could hold her own until I could get things under control here.

I started searching through my rolodex for anyone that might be able to help me out when an idea popped into my head. I needed a woman that could make me look better in Rebecca’s eyes and convince her that I was the right person to take the lead on this. And Anna needed money fast.

“It’s gotta be something big, something important,” Eric stressed. “It has to be something that you really need her help with, that no one else can help you with.”

And just like that, an opportunity presented itself to me.

I drove down to Anna’s house, prepared to offer her the deal of a lifetime. This had to work, not only for my career, but for my personal life. This was my opportunity to get in again with Anna. I just had to convince her that this would work out best for both of us. The LCD screen in my car lit up, signaling that my boss was calling.

“Mr. Mosley-“

“Robert, where the hell are you? We’re about to lose our biggest client and you’ve already left for the day!”

“I’m working on that now, sir. I have an idea.”

“What is it?”

“I’m bringing in someone that can help me sway Rebecca to my side.”

“You already have this person?”

“I will.”

There was a pause. “I want you at the office at seven tomorrow morning so I can meet this person.”

“Of course.”

“And Robert, don’t disappoint me on this. Your career is riding on this.”

I clenched my fists around the steering wheel. “Of course.”

He hung up and I loosened my tie, tossing it onto the seat beside me. I really fucking hoped that Anna agreed to this or I could kiss my career goodbye. Twenty minutes later, I pulled into her driveway and killed the engine. Stepping out of my car, I was a little surprised when she opened the door before I even made it to her steps.

“What are you doing here?”

“I have a proposal for you.”

Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms protectively over her chest.

“Not that kind of proposal,” I added.

“Look, we’ve already been through this. Let’s not make this more difficult than it has to be.”

“Can I just come in for a minute? I need your help with something, and I think you need my help too. I’m just asking for five minutes.”

She pursed her lips, but nodded and motioned for me to come in. I walked into the rundown trailer and took a seat on her sofa.

“So, what do you need?”

“I have a case that I need help with. My whole career is riding on this.”

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “And you think I can help?”

“I know you can.”

“Robert, I know nothing about the law. I can’t-“

“Just hear me out, okay?” She nodded and sat down. “I have this client, a woman, and she caught her husband cheating. She wants a divorce, but there are complications…things I need for her to do so I can protect her assets. But she won’t listen to me or any of the other men at the office. And the women, I don’t know, they’re all too catty or something. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great lawyers, but she doesn’t like them, so she won’t listen to them either. And if someone can’t get through to her, she’s going to find a different firm, and that would be very bad for us.”


“Your reputation is everything. If she were to tell people that we couldn’t come through for her, we would start losing clients. Right now, we’re the top firm in Chicago. That could change with just one bad word from her.”

“You said your career is riding on this case,” she said curiously. “Why?”

I blew out a breath and rubbed my hands together. I didn’t want to admit that my boss was holding my whole goddamn career over my head with this one case, but I was desperate.

“I’m up for senior partner at my firm. It would make my career, but if I lose this client, I won’t get it. In fact, I could lose my job.”

She snorted. “And these are the people you want to work for?”

“It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. It would open so many doors for me.”

“Okay, I get that, but I Copyright 2016 - 2024