The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,96

fire. Dagrinal brought him his bedroll, putting it under Jonas’s head.

“You did well, now get some sleep,” added Dagrinal with a smile. Exhausted, Jonas closed his eyes and sleep overcame him immediately.


Jonas’s dream came quickly that night. He found himself lying on the ground under a massive oak tree. The tree’s trunk was as wide as two men and its huge thick limbs reached towards the clouds majestically. Jonas slowly got up, looking around. The forest was thick and beautiful and smelt of summer. Sunlight shone through the dense tree limbs sending fingers of light to warm the luscious mat of moss and leaves that covered the ground. Little brown birds chirped and fluttered from branch to branch looking for food.

He stepped back to get a better look at the magnificent oak tree. It was amazing, colossal, and bigger than any tree he’d ever seen. The tree’s green leaves fluttered in the gentle breeze and the sound was mesmerizing. Jonas sensed a power, something old and natural. The tree hummed with energy, Jonas could feel it, although he wasn’t sure why.

“Do you like it?” a familiar voice whispered behind him.

Jonas turned towards the soft voice seeing the same female warrior that he saw in his first dream. This time she was wearing fitted black leather breeches and a flowing white blouse that clung to her graceful but strong form. Her feminine attributes were obvious to Jonas, but she also emanated regal power and strength. At her side swung a magnificent long sword and a hunter’s knife. She smiled warmly at Jonas, stepping closer to him. Her long black hair cascaded over her perfect features and her welcoming smile made Jonas feel safe. “Do you like my tree?” the lady asked again.

Jonas snapped out of his trance, answering her with awe. “I do, my lady. It is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. Who are you?”

“You don’t know?” she asked boldly.

“Are you my goddess, Shyann?” Jonas asked dumfounded.

“Very good, my young warrior. It is good to see you again.” Jonas fell to his knees bowing his head. “Please get up, Jonas. I do not need you to grovel at my feet. I am no queen.”

Jonas lifted his head, slowly standing up. “But you are a god.”

“In a sense, although the words god and goddess were made by men. I may not be exactly what you define me as, but that is a story for another time, my young warrior,” Shyann said. “Do you know why I cured you, why I marked you and why I have helped you along your travels?”

“I do not…my…”

“Just call me Shyann.”

“I do not, Shyann,” Jonas said softy.

“You have a pure soul. Your heart is pure, as Airos told you. Do you know how rare that is?” she asked.

“I don’t,” Jonas replied.

“Extremely rare, almost non-existent. There is evil growing in Kraawn, Jonas. The side of the righteous needs a new hero, someone pure of heart and soul, someone who can’t be corrupted by power and greed, someone like you, Jonas. Do you understand?”

“I think so.”

“You have lived up to all my expectations, and then some. I am glad that you are here with Kiln. He can teach you much. Will you fight this evil with me? Will you serve the forces of good?”

“I have desired this my whole life. I want nothing more than to battle this evil and bring your light to where it is needed.”

“Good. Keep training. Practice with the sword. You will grow stronger and I will grant you more power as your body and mind gain in strength and wisdom. Be ready, for I will call upon you again.”

“I will be ready, Shyann. Thank you for your faith in me.”

“No, Jonas, thank you for yours,” she said smiling. Her body began to glow brightly and Jonas had to bring his hands to his face to shield his eyes.


Jonas awoke early in the morning, his eyes wide, his body rested and rejuvenated. He felt like he had slept for a week. He felt more at ease than he had in a long time. Shyann wanted him to serve her, to serve something big, something important; he knew that now. He smiled; his purpose was clear, and it made him happy. He had never had any goals, any real reasons to get up in the morning, but now he did; now he could do something that would help Kraawn. Not only was he healed, but now he could help heal the lands he Copyright 2016 - 2024