The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,97

lived in, and that made him happy.

It was still early, the sun not yet over the mountain peaks, the gray morning quiet as the forest animals slept. Jonas buckled on his sword belt and walked down toward the creek that flowed from the southern end of the pool through a beautiful clearing filled with wild mountain flowers intermingled with large flat rocks.

As Jonas neared the clearing he saw a man, wearing only his breeches, balancing on his head, his knees resting on his elbows. His bare chest was broad and muscled and covered with coarse black hair.

As Jonas got closer he realized that it was Kiln. He sat down on a rock, about twenty paces away, and watched Kiln balance, not moving a muscle, his eyes closed. Jonas couldn’t believe the man’s concentration and balance.

After about a half an hour of standing on his head, suddenly Kiln’s eyes flickered open and he pushed up with his arms so that he was balancing just on his hands. Then in one smooth motion he flipped up to his feet, slowly standing up straight, his posture perfect.

“You have patience, young man, to sit there for so long to watch a man do nothing,” Kiln said casually as he approached Jonas. Kiln walked with the grace and dexterity of one much younger. His shoulders were wide and his arms strong and muscled, his powerful chest tapering to a small waist covered with bands of muscle.

“You knew I was here?” asked Jonas.

“Yes, in that meditative state I can see most things around me.”

“But your eyes were closed.”

“You can see with more than just your eyes,” Kiln said.

“What were you doing, sir?” Jonas asked with interest.

“That is called the Ty’erm. In the Sharneen language it means ‘the position of power’.”

“Who are the Sharneen? I have never heard of them,” asked Jonas.

“They are a foreign people that live far to the east. Their lands border the Sithgarin. They are a nomadic people that live for war and conquest. I spent several winters with them after I left the service of Finarth.”

“What does this Ty’erm do?”

“It is used to sharpen the mind and body. You practice calming the mind and body so that you can focus and see things as they are. Some Sharneen priests use it to get closer to their gods. I found that it works well in combat.”

“How, sir?”

“You like to ask questions, don’t you, boy?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but this interests me. If it helps in combat then I would like to learn it.”

Kiln stared at Jonas as if he were trying to look inside him. After a few seconds of silence he answered Jonas’s question. “In the state of Ty’erm you can control your mind and body, slowing everything down. Your senses are heightened, improving reaction time, strength, and enabling you to react with instinct and not emotion. It is a mental exercise that I’ve practiced for many years. I can now do it at will.”

“Can you teach me this?”

“That depends. You must be mentally strong and very patient. It takes time to master.”

“I see,” Jonas said, pausing and looking back toward the camp in hesitation. “Sir, what did your men say about granting me asylum?” Jonas asked slowly.

“What do you think they said?” Kiln replied, redirecting his question.

Jonas thought about it for a moment before answering. “I think they said yes.”

“Why would you say that?” Kiln asked again.

“Those men would follow you to the front door of the Forsworn. I could see it in their faces; and I think you want me to stay, which means they would agree to it.”

Kiln stared at Jonas for a moment before lifting the edge of his lip in a slight smile. “You are a good judge of men, Jonas. You’re right. We have agreed to take you for the year, but it will not be easy. We work hard, and life here is difficult and dangerous.”

“I am a hard worker, sir, and I will not shy away from danger. You can count on me,” Jonas replied with sincerity.

“I believe that I can. That is why I chose to accept you. Besides, there is something bigger going on here, something bigger than me and my men, something that includes you. I have been secluded for a long time. I think it’s time to come out of hiding.”

“Sir, will you teach me to fight and to master this Ty’erm?”

Kiln looked at Jonas with his cold gray eyes, his face a mask of stone. Jonas wondered what he was Copyright 2016 - 2024