The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,95

the face. I visualized it happening and it did. Everything in my vision blurred briefly, but I could still make out the scene, each shape was a different color and everything felt connected. It was just a flash as I willed the club to stop, then it went away and my head pounded with pain. I’m not sure why it happened.”

“I do.” Everyone looked at Prince Baylin who was staring into the fire. Finally he turned his dark eyes on Jonas. “You’re a cognivant.”

“What! You think so, sir?” asked Graggis.

“What is a cognivant?” asked Jonas.

“A cognivant is someone who can use their mind to do certain things. Each cognivant has different powers, some can levitate, control objects with their thoughts, or even read people’s minds. They are extremely rare, even more rare than wizards,” added the prince. “The elves call cognivants, IshMians. Not much is known about cognivants, but the elves believe that IshMians can access the Ru’Ach with their minds. They do not need words of power as a wizard does. We know very little about cognivant gifts, but their powers are usually limited to the skills that I mentioned. A cognivant’s power is known to surface around adolescence or times of severe distress, which would explain why it has surfaced for Jonas on both accounts.”

“Is that why my head hurts so much?” Jonas asked.

“I don’t know. I have never actually met a cognivant, but it makes sense that if your mind is the tool that accesses the power, that it may cause headaches, especially if the power has just surfaced and you have no practice with it. Maybe, as you learn to master this power, the headaches will go away, or lessen at least.”

“It seems you are gaining some powerful tools to battle that which threatens you,” added Graggis.

“Jonas, since we are talking about power, have you ever tried to heal anyone?” asked Sal.

“No, I wouldn’t know what to do.”

“I think maybe you should try to heal Piap. He will not make the trip as he is I’m afraid. What do you think, my Prince?” asked Sal.

“I was thinking the same thing,” said the prince softly as they all looked at the bundled form of Piap.

He was wrapped tightly in blankets and his face was pale and sweating. The pain from his crushed leg had caused him to pass out and he was still unconscious.

“Jonas, I think you should try it. Piap will surely die if nothing is done,” stated the prince.

“I will do as you ask, my Prince. But I do not know what to do, or how to do it.”

“I have seen priests heal, and I even saw a cavalier heal once. They lay their hands on the injured and pray. I’m not sure what they said or did, but the wounds mended,” the prince said as he rose and approached Piap. He slowly un-wrapped the blanket from the dying warrior who moaned with pain as his body moved.

Jonas moved over to Piap looking down at the damaged leg. His entire knee and most of his thigh was smashed. It looked like someone had dropped a large rock on a giant tomato. The wound was horrible and Jonas knew that Piap would die if he didn’t at least try.

Jonas knelt by the man putting both his hands on his leg. Piap groaned with pain as he lay unconscious. Jonas began to pray to Shyann. He didn’t know what to say so he just asked for her power to save this man who had fought with so much courage.

Instantly, in his mind’s eye, he saw the interior of the damaged leg. The vision rose so quickly that he nearly released his grip. He could see shattered bone, ripped flesh, and torn tendons and blood vessels. He concentrated on putting the bones back together. He could feel his body grow warm as magic flowed into Piap’s leg. Jonas was ecstatic as he felt Piap’s bones begin to mend. He kept praying and sending Shyann’s power into Piap, visualizing the ripped and torn flesh healing itself. He didn’t know how long he prayed, but his body and mind began to tire and finally he released Shyann’s energy and fell over, nearly fainting. Graggis caught the young man as his eyes slowly fluttered open.

“Did it work?” asked Jonas in a whisper, his strength all but drained.

“It did. You’ve been praying for a long while. I think you need some sleep.” Graggis gently laid him down on the ground by the Copyright 2016 - 2024