The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,192

hold still. You will feel some heat and your body will feel warm as I mend your wounds. But it will not hurt.”

“Okay, go ahead. I am ready.”

Jonas reached down and put both of his hands on Fil’s chest. He began to pray silently, calling on Shyann for the power to heal his friend. His hands began to glow blue as he sent the healing energy into Fil.

Jonas searched Fil’s body for the injuries and saw his breastbone was indeed cracked and he had seven broken ribs, one dangerously close to lacerating his lung. Jonas went to work on mending the bones, any ruptured blood vessels, tendons, and the surrounding tissue. Then he went to work in eliminating the infection that was building up in Fil’s side. The wound was shallow and he sealed it quickly. After a few minutes Jonas opened his eyes to see Fil staring at him with wonder.

“That felt incredible. Thank you, Jonas. I feel perfect,” Fil said. He leaned up in bed and bent his body to test it for pain. He smiled broadly as he got out of bed. “I feel no pain. I’m a little sore but I feel much better. You completely healed me! Amazing!” He rambunctiously grabbed Jonas in a big bear hug and held him tightly. “I’ve missed you, my friend! We have much to discuss. But first, who is this beautiful lady beside you?”

“My name is Taleen, and I’m a cavalier to Bandris,” Taleen said with a warm smile.

Fil noticed for the first time her immaculate armor and he reddened in embarrassment. “I am sorry, Taleen. I was so excited to see Jonas that I did not notice you were a cavalier. Please forgive my lack of respect.”

Taleen reassured Fil with a brilliant smile. “You are forgiven, Fil Tanrey. Besides, even a cavalier likes to hear compliments from time to time,” Taleen added. Her smile was infectious and seemed to make the tough warriors around her blush.

“It is nice to meet you, Taleen. And let’s just say that you are both a wonderful sight. I had heard that two cavaliers had arrived and destroyed the Banthra, but I had no idea it was you, Jonas.”

“It was. We arrived today with Kiln. He held the center line today.”

“Kiln is here?” asked Tanus, clearly shocked at the mention of the great swordsman’s name.

“He is with the king now. He has taken over as high commander,” replied Jonas.

“Is Kiln dark haired with gray eyes and fights like a demon?” Fil asked skeptically.

“That is him. Have you seen him?” asked Jonas.

Fil smiled as he thought about the fight today. “I have. I fought with him today. He came in on his horse and kept the line together. I have never seen anything like it. We were crumbling and getting scattered and he barreled in and took control, killing anything that came at him. He diced up the ogre that almost killed me like it was nothing more than a tiny goblin. He rallied the men and held the center, wading into the screaming tribesmen with no hint of fear. I couldn’t believe it; he just cut into them like they didn’t exist, leaping and spinning from one enemy to another, leaving dead bodies wherever he went. The enemy was so thick around him that I could no longer see him. I thought he had been killed, until our men, encouraged by his bravery, fought their way through the enemy ranks and found him fighting for his life. I passed out before that, but that is the story that I heard. Everyone is talking about him, but I don’t know how many knew that he was Kiln, the legend.”

“That sounds like, Kiln,” Jonas said with a smile.

“Jonas, we need to start healing these men,” Taleen interrupted.

Jonas looked at her and at the wounded and dying men around them. “Yes, you’re quite right. Fil, let us talk later. Taleen and I must heal as many of these men as we can. We will take care of the most urgently wounded first, and then we will heal you, Tanus. Your men will need you healthy in the trials to come.”

“Very good, Jonas. Thank you for helping my men, both of you,” Tanus said.

“You’re welcome. I will find you later to tend to your wound. Fil,” Jonas said, turning his gaze to his friend. “How will we find you later?”

“You can find my camp farther on the south side. I will have a warm cup of tea Copyright 2016 - 2024