The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,191

severely wounded.”

“It would be our pleasure. After we heal who we can, would you be able to lead us to a friend of mine? I believe he is in your modrig?” asked Jonas.

“What is his name?”

“Fil Tanrey, he is a knight apprentice.”

“Ah yes. Fil saved my life today. He was hurt badly but nothing life threatening, thank the High One for that. He is brave and strong. I am glad he is on our side.”

Jonas felt a twinge of worry and pride as he thought about his friend. “Please, take me too him. I must see him and heal him immediately,” Jonas said eagerly.

“Very well. Follow me.”

Tanus led the two cavaliers through the camp; the men’s faces, reflected in the many campfires, showed a mixture of emotions. Some looked tired and haggard, others seemed happy to be alive, or solemn at the loss of their brethren. But all stood and greeted the cavaliers with a nod or a smile as they rode by.

When they neared a large cream colored tent, Tanus dismounted and tethered his horse. Taleen and Jonas both followed his lead, though they had no need to tether their own mounts.

Tanus stared openly at Tulari as the giant horse stood passively, and Jonas couldn’t help but feel immense pride for his new steed.

“That is the most magnificent animal I have ever seen,” Tanus said as he admired the huge animal.

“Thank you, Tanus. His name is Tulari, and you’re right, he is magnificent in many ways.”

Tanus broke his gaze from the animal and led the two warriors into the tent that housed the wounded. The first things Jonas noticed were the sounds and odors. It had been many years since he had seen the results of a battle, and even then he had only seen the dead. But here he was looking at the wounded. It did’nt take him long to realize that witnessing the survivors of a battle may be worse than seeing the dead. The dead didn’t moan or cry out in pain. The sounds of the wounded and dying were something that Jonas would not forget. But it was the smell that would stick with him. The interior odor was a mix of sweat, blood, infection, and vomit that assaulted Jonas’s nose. The tent was filled with makeshift cots lined with the many wounded. Surgeons and their apprentices moved quickly among the men, cleaning their bandages, and stitching their wounds. There were men unconscious, men moaning in pain, and even some men screaming as surgeons cut, sewed, or sawed. It was a gruesome scene that Jonas would not forget.

“How many other tents are there for the wounded?” Jonas asked.

“One or two for each modrig. The injured are organized into three groups. A black mark on their forehead means they will probably not survive, a red mark means they are seriously injured and they need treatment immediately, and a blue mark means their injuries are minor and they can be looked at later. The few priests that we have will try to heal the severely injured first, but we just don’t have enough magical healers to go around.”

As Tanus led them through the injured men Jonas began to make out the colored marks painted on each man’s forehead.


The familiar voice broke Jonas’s trance as he was looking at the helpless men around him. Tanus had led them to a cot where Fil lay nursing his wounds. His skin was pale and he had a bandage wrapped around his bare chest.

Jonas smiled happily as he gazed at his friend. “Fil, are you okay? Where are you hurt?” Jonas asked anxiously.

“I was stabbed in the side and then an ogre broke some ribs and cracked my breast bone.” Fil struggled to sit up, his face strained as pain shot through his body.

Jonas laid a restraining hand on him, easing him back down to a prone position. “Take it easy, my friend, all in good time.”

“It is so good to see you, Jonas,” Fil said through a forced smile. He looked at Jonas more closely, his eyes moving across Jonas’s immaculate sparkling armor, and the beautifully crafted swords strapped at his side. The blue and silver symbol of Shyann danced in the candle light.

“Ulren’s star, you did it, you’re a cavalier,” Fil said in amazement.

“I am, my friend, but let me heal you first and we can talk in detail once you feel better.”

“You can heal now? I knew you would do it, Jonas.”

“I can do many things now. Now Copyright 2016 - 2024