The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,190

guards were staring at them and their magnificent horses with open admiration. Taleen mounted her steed as well and they slowly trotted southeast.

As they made their way through the various camp sites, many men stood up and acknowledged their presence with a smile or a simple greeting. It was obvious to them both that their presence was uplifting to the entire army. It was a strange feeling for Jonas and he wondered how long it would take him to get used to it. He openly expressed his feelings to Taleen.

“It feels strange to have everyone look at me with awe and respect. I am so accustomed to the opposite reaction.”

“It will happen wherever you go, Jonas. I am still not accustomed to it, and I don’t know if I ever will be.”

“I guess that is a good thing. Who were you before you became a cavalier?” Jonas asked as he snuck a peak at her beautiful profile.

“I was the daughter of a blacksmith. He raised me like I was his son, taught me how to wield a sword and ride a horse. He was a stern strong man whom I loved very much.”

“What happened to him?”

“He was killed when our village was raided by goblins. After that I joined King Allryan’s army and fought for him for eight years.” Taleen paused as her memories came flooding back.

“I am sorry, Taleen. I didn’t mean to bring back unpleasant memories.”

Taleen looked at him and smiled. “Do not fret, Jonas. It’s just been a long time since I thought about my father. Anyway, I rose quickly through the ranks as a soldier and I decided to try my skills as a cavalier. It took me five years but I was granted the rank of cavalier by Helikon six years ago.”

“What about your mother? Do you have any siblings?”

“My mother died during child birth, along with my sister.”

“I see. I’m sorry. It seems we both have had difficult pasts,” Jonas commented.

“I guess so. But my father loved me and he cared for me the best he could. I was better off than many,” Taleen reasoned.

Jonas thought about her words knowing full well the truth of them. Even he, who led a very difficult life, realized at a young age that no matter how hard your life seemed, it could always be worse. He, too, had it tough, but he did have a loving mother who did her best to care for him. Jonas changed the subject. “Did many women serve with you? We don’t have many female warriors here.”

“There are not many, but I would not say it is rare. Women are allowed to fight but few can pass the training.”

Jonas looked at her again and marveled at her beauty. She noticed him staring and didn’t look away.

“Have you ever been married?” Jonas asked softly.

“No. The life of a cavalier is not fit for marriage,” she replied with no hint of emotion.

“Is it forbidden?” Jonas asked.

“No, it is not forbidden,” Taleen replied as she looked at Jonas.

Jonas looked away and pretended to scan the camp fires for Fil. A lone rider galloped toward them and pulled up short. He was wearing plate mail and a helm similar to Jonas’s, except the horns were those of a boarg.

Jonas shivered involuntarily as memories came flooding back to him. It was hard for him to picture a boarg, or even hear the name, without thinking of his mother’s brutal death. The warrior was bloody and he held his shoulder as if he were injured. He lifted his visor and smiled warmly at the two cavaliers.

“Greetings, cavaliers, word of your presence has quickly spread through the ranks. My name is Tanus and I am a captain in the king’s army.”

“Hello, captain, my name is Jonas Kanrene, cavalier to Shyann.”

“And I am Taleen Gothar, cavalier to Bandris.” Taleen figured it was easier to use the western name for her god so as not to cause confusion.

“I am glad you are both here. Is it true that you battled a Banthra and several priests of the Forsworn?” Tanus asked, crossing his chest at the mention of the dark gods.

“It is true. Jonas killed the Banthra and helped me slay the priests,” stated Taleen. “Sir, are you hurt? Do you need healing?”

“I took a goblin spear to the shoulder. I had it patched up to stop most of the bleeding. I’d rather have you save your energy for my men if you are up to it. I have many men more Copyright 2016 - 2024