The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,189

turned towards the famous war commander.

Kiln stepped close to the table and gazed down at the big map positioned there. “It would take Malbeck’s army over ninety days to march from Tarsis to Finarth and that is in the most advantageous conditions. Winter will be approaching by then and it is hard to say how that will affect his plans. Will he force march his army during the winter? Will he hold up and let the snows pass? We will have to keep careful watch on his forces. We should send out our best scouts now. I would suggest that you take your army back to Finarth to prepare for a siege and a long, hard winter. Finarth has never been taken, and that is where we should make our stand.”

“If Malbeck brings the Shan Cemar to our doorstep, then I do not think we can stop him,” Alerion said somberly.

Kiln narrowed his eyes in thought. “There must be something that can fight the power of the Shan Cemar. No army is undefeatable.”

“There is one thing,” added the wizard.

“What, Alerion? What can defeat Malbeck?” asked the frustrated king.

“I was told by my source that the only thing that may defeat Malbeck is an IshMian whose veins pulse with the blood of Finarth.”

“That sounds like a riddle,” interjected Prince Nelstrom. But he did not miss the looks that Kiln, Taleen, and Graggis, sent Jonas’s way.

The king did not miss the looks either. “What? Why are you all staring at Jonas?” asked the king.

“King Gavinsteal, Jonas is an IshMian,” said Taleen.

“Really? Jonas, you are definitely full of surprises. But what does the riddle mean, the blood of Finarth?” asked the king.

“My Lord, it sounds like that phrase would have some connection to the royal family of Finarth, which would exclude Jonas,” reasoned Alerion.

“King Gavinsteal, are there any members of the royal family that are IshMian?” asked Jonas.

“The only members of the royal family are standing in this tent, and none of them have the powers of an IshMian,” the king answered.

“There must be something we are missing,” Kiln pondered thoughtfully.

“Alerion, What do you make of the riddle? Is it possible that Jonas could be the IshMian that your source spoke of?” asked the king.

“I do not know, my Lord. I have relayed all I was told. If Jonas is an IshMian, then he could be that man. I know of no other IshMian with powers that might enable him to defeat the Dark One. On the other hand, the blood of Finarth part of the riddle does not seem to apply to him at all. Even if he is this man, I do not know how he might defeat the powers of the Shan Cemar. I will think on this riddle further and see if I can find anything related to the blood of Finarth.”

“IshMians are extremely rare and the gods seem to have a plan for Jonas. It is very possible that Jonas may be who your source was speaking of,” Taleen said.

“Jonas, I know I cannot give you orders as a cavalier, but will you stay and fight with us?” asked the king.

Jonas did not hesitate in his response. “My Lord, I have not yet received a calling. If my calling is to stay and fight then my steel will be yours, but if I am called, then I cannot argue with Shyann’s will. She knows best where I may be of use.”

“Very well. Dagrinal, send out scouts and spread the word that we leave at first light back to Finarth. Kiln, Jonas, and Taleen, will you three stay awhile so we can talk? I need your council on this dark day.”

“It would be my pleasure,” replied Kiln.

“Sir, there are men to be healed and I would like to find my friend, Fil. Do you know where I can locate him?”

“You are correct, Jonas. I’m embarrassed I did not think of my wounded first. Both of your healing powers would be appreciated. We can talk at another time. I think Fil is with Tanus’s modrig. They should be camped to the southeast.”

Jonas bowed his head slightly. “Thank you my Lord, until tomorrow.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, King Gavinsteal,” replied Taleen with a slight nod.

“The pleasure was mine, cavalier. Thank you for your help,” the king nodded in reply.

She turned and followed Jonas out of the tent. They strode through the tent flaps to their horses. Jonas climbed onto Tulari who was standing patiently outside. Several of the nearby Copyright 2016 - 2024