The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,193

waiting for you,” Fil said.

“I am looking forward to it.”

“Taleen, I’m glad to have met you,” Fil said. “I hope you accompany Jonas to our camp site so that we may talk more.”

“It would be my pleasure, Fil,” replied Taleen with a nod.

“Sir, do you need me for anything or am I free to go to my camp?” Fil asked Tanus.

Tanus smiled and shook his head. “No, you’ve done enough. You saved my life today and I thank you for that. Go ahead, get some rest. You’ve earned it.”

Fil nodded his head and looked one more time at Jonas, smiling widely before walking out of the tent.

Jonas and Taleen spent the better part of two hours healing as many men as they could. They were both exhausted as they drug themselves from the tent to their horses and made their way towards Fil’s camp. They couldn’t heal all the men in one night. The energy expended took its toll on their bodies and they had to rest. A warm meal and a soft bed were needed now. But Jonas had to see Fil and that is where they headed.

They found Fil’s camp easily enough and it wasn’t long before they had their tired bodies resting on their sleeping blankets in front of a warm crackling fire. A full belly, a cup of warm tea, and the camaraderie of friends did wonders for Jonas’s bone-weary body.

Jonas and Taleen talked with Fil for as long as their tired bodies would allow. Fil and Jonas had a lot to catch up on and the words flowed from their mouths. They were both very happy to see each other, but it wasn’t long after they got there that Jonas began to tire, his fight with the Banthra and the healing finally wearing him out, finally overcoming the excitement of seeing his friend. Taleen was also exhausted and Jonas took notice of her heavy eyelids fluttering beyond the dancing flames of their campfire.

“Fil, my friend, Taleen and I are both exhausted and we need to get some sleep. We have much to do in the morning,” Jonas said.

“Oh yes, of course. Do you want to lay your bed rolls here at my fire?”

Jonas was just going to accept when a lone horseman approached them from the darkness. The bright moonlight and many campfires enabled the rider to maneuver through the campfires to find them. The man was one of the king’s knights.

“Cavaliers, the king has prepared a tent for you. There is warm water, food, and drink waiting. Would you like me to escort you there or send a rider for you later?”

“We will go now. Thank you for the offer,” replied Jonas.

“It is my pleasure. I am glad that you both are with us.” The warrior looked to be older than fifty winters. His face was covered with course whiskers, some of which were gray. He was powerfuly built, and his thick wavy hair gave him the look of a lion.

Jonas and Taleen mounted their horses which had been standing near by.

“Fil,” the veteran warrior spoke up. “I heard that you fought well today. Tanus said you saved his life. Good work, son.”

“Thank you, Renagar,” Fil replied seriously.

Renagar addressed the two cavaliers who were both ready to leave. “Follow me, if you please.”

“I’ll find you tomorrow, Fil.” Jonas smiled at his friend as he turned his horse to leave.

“Thank you for inviting me to your fire, Fil. I am glad to have met you,” added Taleen.

“I’ll see you both tomorrow,” Fil said, watching them ride away into the night.

Their tent was not large but the interior was spacious since it had little furniture. It had been placed near the king’s own tent, for which Jonas was grateful, in case the monarch might need them. Inside were two beds hastily made from furs, thick cotton blankets, and soft pillows. Just the sight of them made Jonas’s eye lids feel as if they were made of lead. A small table, covered with trays of meats, cheeses, and fruits was set up in the middle of the tent. They were also provided a large copper wash basin filled with steaming water. King Gavinsteal had also taken into consideration Taleen’s privacy and had his men construct a screen framed with wood with blue dyed cotton forming the panels.

They used the wash basin to wash away the grime of battle, and after eating their simple but nourishing meal, they finally dropped their tired bodies down onto their soft beds. Copyright 2016 - 2024