The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,149

at him differently, no doubt was apparent in their expressions. “What did you do to my sword?” asked Jonas.

“I asked Shyann to tell me the truth, and she did. You are a cavalier. It is unprecedented, but true nonetheless.”

“You spoke with her?” Jonas asked.

“No, not exactly. I asked her if the sword was hers, and she responded in confirmation,” Lulaylin replied.

“Jonas, Taleen,” interjected Lyrus. They both looked at the high priest as he sat forward in his chair. “There are no more cavaliers that we know of.”

Taleen stepped back in shock as the disturbing news assaulted her. Kiln, who seldom showed emotion, was also visibly stunned by the horrible declaration. Jonas just stood, lowering his head in shock, his entire body deflating. It was too much to comprehend. The guardians of the righteous were dead. Who would protect the people against the darkness? The question lingered in Jonas’s mind as Lyrus spoke again.

“An army marches toward Finarth as we speak. King Gavinsteal has sent out riders requesting aid. We have no cavaliers to send and we have not heard from any except you two. We only have three candidates that are close to finishing their training and they are still years away. Kandris, the young man you met, is furthest along and he still needs two winters, if he makes it all. The Kulam at Rohindrin has two candidates that are close, but they are still several years away. ” Lyrus sighed deeply, his weariness finally surfacing.

“Do the people of Kraawn know about the dead cavaliers?” Kiln asked.

“Most do not,” Lyrus said. “I suggest we keep it that way. It would not help matters if word got out that there are no cavaliers to protect them.”

“King Olegaurd sent ten thousand men to Finarth four days ago. They should arrive at Finarth in several days,” said Tundis.

“What would you have me do?” asked Jonas.

“Jonas, it is not the job of the council to direct a cavalier. It is up to Shyann’s will. Have you received a calling?” asked Jeweleasium.

“No, that is why we came here. To get some answers.”

“I, too, have received no calling,” Taleen added. “I spent many weeks traveling across the Tundrens at Helikon’s request. He sent me to help Jonas, but now I am unsure of our next quest.”

“I will leave at first light for Finarth,” Kiln announced. “They are in need of my skills. I think the cavaliers should accompany me to Finarth. Their gods may call them soon, but until then, their powers will be needed there.”

“I concur with the general,” Rayall spoke up. “If we had cavaliers here then I’m sure several of them would have been called to that conflict. I think that Jonas and Taleen should accompany Kiln to Finarth. We do not have the time to test Jonas any further. He will be needed there. There is one more thing I wish to speak of,” he added. “Jonas is also a cognivant.”

“A cognivant? Are you sure, Rayall?” asked Lyrus in disbelief.

“I am. I wish I had more time to help you understand your potential as a cognivant, but the truth of it is my powers are limited. I can read minds and that is all. What cognivant powers have you realized thus far, Jonas?”

“So far I am able to see the true make up of all things, the magic that makes up everything around us. This ability has given me the power to control objects.”

“That is indeed a rare thing. Use that power wisely, young cavalier. That magic is old, and we know very little about it,” Tundis cautioned.

“Jonas, do you get headaches after you use this power?” asked Rayall.

“I do. The more power I use, the more severe the pain.”

“You may want to practice this power so you know what your limits are,” Rayall said. “It would not be prudent to find the end of your strength during battle. It could prove disastrous.”

Rayall’s advice was sound and Jonas nodded his head in thanks. “I will think on that, high priest Rayall, thank you.”

“I wish we could further test you and help you understand your power, but I think we are running out of time,” said Weelon.

“Do we know what army it is that attacks Finarth?” asked Kiln.

“Yes, it is an army led by Lord Moredin, but we believe that he is backed by Malbeck’s power. A second force is marching from Banrith Castle toward Tarsis as we speak,” added Lyrus.

“Malbeck is back then?” asked Taleen.

“There can be no doubt. But we Copyright 2016 - 2024