The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,150

have yet to learn how this has happened,” said Lulaylin.

“What aid will you need to get to Finarth?” asked Lyrus.

“Horses and provisions,” replied Kiln.

“Will you be in need of an escort?” asked Weelon.

“No. We three will travel faster alone. I do not intend on taking the roads.”

“Very well. I will have horses and provisions brought to the main gate at sunrise. We wish you a fast and safe journey,” added Lyrus as he stood up, signaling the end of the meeting.

“Remember, it is very likely that you are both still being hunted. Be vigilant,” cautioned Lulaylin.

“We will,” replied Jonas. He looked at each of the council members and they nodded their heads in farewell. The trio turned and walked from the room without another word.


The White Unicorn was busy; patrons crowded around the bar and filled the many tables in the dining room. Hundreds of candles and oil lamps lit the area casting orange hues throughout the large bar. The crackling fire blazed and the flames danced as if they wanted to leap out of the fireplace. The sounds of laughter and idle conversation filled the large room making it difficult to hear the gossip that seemed to be on everyone’s tongues.

Jonas, Taleen, and Kiln sat alone at a table close to the fire. Bomm had saved it for them for more than an hour before the trio came back from their meeting at the Kulam. They were hungry and ordered Bomm’s recommendation, smoked mutton pie, oven baked and filled with onions, wild mushrooms, potatoes, mutton, and covered in gravy. They sipped cold water and discussed the new adventure ahead of them.

“Kiln, tell me of Moredin,” Jonas asked.

“Moredin is the ruler of Stonestep, a bandit city far to the east. Stonestep is a staging base for every invasion into Finarth, Tarsis, and Annure. On the surface Moredin stays out of most politics, but under the surface he is ruthless, conniving, and does whatever he can to gain more power, land, and wealth.”

“Who are his allies?” asked Taleen.

“None really. His kingdom is vast and surrounded by the nomad lands and Flatlands south of Mt. Ule. He usually allies himself with tribes from the Sithgarin and nomads from the Tarsinian Plains. He also has a decent relationship with Prince Bomballa of Numenell. Their relationship is one of convenience and they are not official allies,” Kiln added before he took a long sip of his water, his eyes scanning the room instinctively.

Many of the patrons cast curious glances at the trio. Kiln hoped that Bomm had kept his mouth shut about who he was. He knew that Jonas and Taleen would be seen for what they were, but he did not want his identity known. Many patrons smiled, acknowledging the cavaliers, but none had the courage to approach them.

“Why would Moredin risk everything by attacking Finarth? What is in it for him?” asked Jonas.

Kiln returned his attention to them both. “I don’t know. His chance of winning is slim if King Gavinsteal’s allies arrive in time. Even if they didn’t, Finarth’s forces should have no problem repelling Moredin’s army.”

“Even with Malbeck’s help?” Taleen asked skeptically.

“That I don’t know. The only way to know is to scout Moredin’s army. Find out how many men, cavalry, and siege machines exist, and if Malbeck has sent his minions there to help him.”

Kiln looked around the room again. Something didn’t feel right to the old warrior.

“Would Lord Moredin fight alongside orcs, boargs, and other monsters?” asked Jonas.

“I imagine so, especially if riches, power, and land were involved,” replied Kiln as he leaned back in his chair, getting a better look at their surroundings. He felt like they were being watched, and Kiln never questioned his instincts.

Out of the crowd came a buxom serving girl carrying a large tray of steaming food. She smiled warmly at them, setting the tray down. Jonas’s mouth began to water when he saw the food. Each plate contained huge slices of mutton pie. The crust was thick and slathered with gravy, mushrooms, and onions. Jonas quickly grabbed his plate and began to consume the delicious and hearty food.

“Can I get you anything else?” asked the rosy cheeked bar maid. She was pleasantly plump and her ample bosom was barely contained by her bodice. Her infectious smile was warm and made her average face seem attractive.

“No thank you. Thank Bomm again for the meals,” added Taleen.

“I will indeed.” The waitress quickly turned, disappearing into the boisterous crowd.

The three ate their food in silence. Copyright 2016 - 2024