The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,148

of my loyalty other than rumors and stories that have been told for over twenty years. Until you know the truth of it, I recommend you keep your ill mannered comments to yourself.” Kiln’s eyes, cold as the tone of his voice, left no room for argument.

“Besides,” replied Jonas. “I believe this mark will represent the truth where our words have not.” Jonas lifted off his cotton shirt and set it next to his armor. He stood up straight and the six council members sat back in their chairs in shock.

“Come closer, Jonas,” ordered Rayall. Jonas stepped closer to them all so they could clearly see the God Mark. He finally stepped in front of Lulaylin so she could view the mark for herself. His toned muscular torso was covered with the God Mark.

“And you say that you have powers like a cavalier?” asked high priest Weelon. The burly man was obviously once a warrior. He had that look, and his face was scarred in several places.

“Yes,” said Jonas with some trepidation. “I can bring forth God Light, heal, detect evil, and I can wield God Fire, although I have not had much experience with any of those powers.”

“The skills of a first rank cavalier,” muttered Weelon to himself.

“Show us, Jonas, bring forth light,” ordered Tundis, high priest to Nomus. His voice was soft and inviting. Tundis was a small man and his face reflected many years of working in the sun. His skin was tough and tanned and his long wavy black hair was speckled with gray. He wore a simple tan tunic with loose gray pants common to a farmer. Jonas could even see dirt stains covering his knees as if he had just come from his garden.

Jonas looked within himself and called upon Shyann’s magic. He felt it boil up within him and he released it in a brilliant flare of light. The bright light appeared quickly causing the six council members to rock back in their chairs in surprise. As the light bathed them, any remnants of tension and disbelief disappeared in a flash. Jonas let it flare briefly before dispelling it. They all stared at him for several seconds, their shock apparent on their faces.

Taleen broke the silence. “When we healed Kiln, Jonas channeled his energy into me. I have never felt that much power. It almost consumed me. As you know, only a rare person can control the power needed to be a first rank cavalier. I believe that we are looking at our first true god picked cavalier.”

“It is hard to imagine that being possible. We have never known that to happen. We have no record of it, nor have we ever seen a cavalier to Shyann,” muttered Lyrus in disbelief.

“And yet we have a young man standing in front of us who can bring forth light, and he bears her mark on his chest. What else could it be?” asked Jeweleasiam, the beautiful priestess to Inis.

“And we have the word of a true cavalier that he wields great power. How else would he have it unless it was god given?” asked Weelon.

“May I see your swords, Jonas?” asked Lulaylin gently, her disbelief and frustration seemingly extinguished.

Jonas reached down, drawing forth a sword. He approached Lulaylin, handing it to her hilt first.

She grasped the bone handle and lifted it into the air. She closed her eyes and Jonas saw her lips moving slightly. Suddenly the blade flared brightly and receded just as quickly. Lulaylin opened her eyes and for the first time smiled warmly at Jonas.

“There can be no question. These blades were given to him by Shyann herself.” She handed the blade back to Jonas. “Jonas, I am sorry for my outburst and for doubting you. It was just so hard to believe. Being allowed to see her tomb is a great honor, one that I wish was bestowed upon me. It was envy and doubt that sparked my emotional response. I am sorry. You are indeed a cavalier to Shyann. I am convinced.” Lulaylin turned her eyes on Kiln and bowed her head slightly. “I must apologize to you as well, General. I spoke rashly and I hope you will forgive me.”

Kiln simply nodded his head in acknowledgment but said not a word.

“I understand, priestess. I can hardly believe it myself,” replied Jonas.

“Know this, young man. You are very much needed,” Lulaylin continued. “Lyrus, please tell them what is happening.”

Jonas looked around at all the faces before them. They now looked Copyright 2016 - 2024