Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,83

secret hideout in the mountains, even better.

“I’ll make the call,” he replies finally.

Travis, who had been listening to the exchange silently until now, chimes in. “There’s a secure line you can use in the studio.”

“Thank you. I’ll do it right now.”

“Maybe you should also try to reach Mr. Silverstone,” Toby suggests. “We’ve heard nothing from him for a while.”

I don’t need to read minds to know the lack of news from Gunther is weighing heavily on Xavier’s shoulders.

“Things are chaotic in Hawk City as well. There have been several attacks in Norm neighborhoods,” Travis replies somberly.

“Also schools?” I ask.

“No, not schools, but just as devastating.”

“And let me guess, the Idol police are doing nothing to deter those terrorists.” Rufio’s eyes seem to flash bright blue for a second, but I must be imagining things.

“Not with the chief of police being a top dog in their organization,” I reply, remembering vividly that he was one of my targets. Too bad I didn’t have the chance to take him down.

“The cops here aren’t helping either. The Neo Gods’ hold is deep in every branch of the government,” Travis says with a deep frown.

Felicity hugs her middle, appearing smaller. “How can we win this war, then?”

“Just kill the big bad,” Theo replies calmly.

“The big bad?” I ask, amused by his statement despite our dire situation.

He nods. “Yeah. If you kill the main villain, then his followers will fall too.”

“Where did you learn that?” Leticia asks.

“From cartoons.” He shrugs.

“That’s actually not a bad plan.” Bryce rubs his chin.

“Okay, but who is the head?” Phoenix asks.

Bryce and Rufio trade a glance, but it’s Rufio who replies. “The master.”



There was nothing to do but learn as much as we could from the situation and then come up with a plan. After we heard from Travis, Morty, Ellen, and her Norm girlfriend—who also happened to be a teacher in one of the schools attacked—we now know most of the attacks were carried out by a team of two high-level Idols and five or six Fringes. Every single one of the attackers was armed with lightning-glass weapons, but only the Idols had protective vests.

The meeting took around two hours, and then Ellen showed us around and introduced us to the other volunteers who were helping with the injured. None of them were Idols, which didn’t surprise me.

The majority of the wounds were burns and glass cuts, and I could tell it killed Bryce that he couldn’t heal them yet. It was hard to look closely at those poor children and teens and maintain a serene expression. I was torn between blind rage and the deepest sorrow.

While we were helping Ellen, Xavier snuck out with Travis, Mrs. Malek, and Leticia to get the supplies. We couldn’t risk exposure, but it was apparently okay if the adults did. That rubbed me the wrong way, but I was too tired to fight Xavier about it. They came back safe, and that’s all that mattered.

Nighttime has fallen with no sign of Morpheus yet. We’ve all settled for the evening in an area separated from the makeshift hospital by a pile of empty cardboard boxes. Comfort is not to be found, since every single mattress and sleeping bag are being used in the hospital. Our hosts offered the leather couches in their studio to Mrs. Malek, Leticia, and Felicity. No one bothered to offer Jodie the courtesy. It seems her reputation preceded her.

But they didn’t want the perk, and it took much insistence from everyone to make them accept the offer. Theo, who has grown attached to Phoenix’s mother, also slept with them. As for us, we’re making do on the floor, turning our jackets into pillows and trying to ignore the cold bite of the hard surface. It’s still better than the bungalows in the camp from hell.

Rosie has thawed out toward Toby—finally—and is cuddled with him in a corner. Both fell asleep within minutes. Renata picked a spot as far as possible from us to avoid another conflict. No one can say she isn’t trying. We’re by no means friends, but days of running for our lives together has created some type of bond between us. I no longer resent her for all the awful things she did in the past. Rosie is another story.

I’m sandwiched between Rufio and Phoenix. They went down pretty fast too, but I can’t sleep. Worry gnaws at my insides, carving a hole in my heart.

Bryce said he was going to use the restroom, but that Copyright 2016 - 2024