Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,82

to us. They’re alone.

“Where’s Morpheus?” Mrs. Malek asks the question that was on the tip of my tongue.

I’d meet them halfway, but I’m afraid the news they have for us isn’t good. Phoenix, probably sensing the tension in my body, pulls me close to him, keeping his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

My heart is stuck in my throat when the Zions finally reach our group.

“What happened out there?” Rufio is the one who asks first.

“Morpheus was able to ascend to demigod form,” Ismael replies.

“Does that mean he managed to conceal the warehouse from Chaos?” Xavier asks.

“That would be the case.” Iago nods.

“So, where is he?” I ask.

“That, we do not know. We didn’t speak to or see him after he did what he had to do,” Ismael deadpans.

I’m getting seriously pissed at them. How can they stand there so peacefully when we don’t know where Morpheus went?

“Do you think he simply abandoned us now that he’s uber powerful?” Renata asks.

“No,” I say. “He wouldn’t. If he left, he must have a reason. He’ll come back.”

The conviction in my tone is more to convince myself than anyone else. He’ll come back to me. He has to.

Xavier pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling loudly. “Now that we don’t have Chaos breathing down our necks, let’s assess our situation.” He turns to Travis. “What do you know about the Neo Gods’ attacks?”

The man grimaces, then switches his attention to Leticia and Theo. “Maybe we should have this conversation back in the office.”

Understanding dawns on her face. We shouldn’t remind Theo of those terrible events.

“Before you go, we’re in dire need of medical supplies and food. When can we expect a delivery to arrive?” she asks.

“I don’t know. Everyone is scrambling at the moment, and we also don’t want to lead the Neo Gods here.”

“Maybe we can get supplies,” Renata suggests. “We have the van.”

“Yeah, a stolen van. If you want to get arrested, be my guest,” Rosie retorts.

“I don’t think the police are worried about grand theft auto at the moment,” Bryce replies. “We could go on a supply run.”

“No, you kids are going to stay put,” Xavier butts in. “And don’t forget you have to recover, Bryce.”

“I agree with Xavier. I’m sure there will be more people coming in who need healing,” Jodie adds.

“If Bryce is up for it tomorrow, he can help Ellen with some of the other kids. Theo was the gravest case, but there are other children who could use your help.”

Jodie turns her face into a scowl. “If they’re not in mortal danger, then we should let them heal naturally.”

Bryce glowers at her. “Why? Because if they’re kids, even as Idols you can’t use them in your army?”

Her eyebrows meet her hairline. “That’s absurd. Of course that’s not the reason. I’m only thinking about the toll healing has on you.”

Yeah, like we believe her. I seek Toby’s gaze, our very own truth teller. As if reading the question in my eyes, he shakes his head, confirming what I already knew. Jodie is full of shit. I wish she had never found us.

“Fine, we can rest for a day, but you can’t expect us to stay hidden here while the world outside burns,” Rufio pipes up.

“No, but I also don’t want anyone running into a dangerous situation unprepared,” Xavier fires back.

“Plus, we should give Morpheus a chance to come back,” I say.

“Well, don’t count on him returning.” Jodie snorts. “He’s a demigod. His priorities aren’t the same anymore.”

“Don’t you dare judge him by your moral standards,” I snap.

“What about Delta? Since you didn’t let me kill him, shouldn’t the Knights have gotten information from him already?” Rosie asks.

“You’ve apprehended Delta?” Jodie widen her eyes. “And you handed him over to the Knights without interrogating him first?”

“We didn’t have the means to drag his sorry ass along while we were trying to escape. I did what I thought was best,” Xavier replies angrily.

“Maybe we should find out if they have new information,” Toby says hopefully.

“I wouldn’t count much on the Knights getting anything out of that fu—I mean, guy,” Phoenix replies, glancing apologetically at his mother for his almost slipup in front of Theo. “Bryce and Rufio had blocks, and only Daisy was able to breach through.”

I can’t believe that didn’t occur to me until now. “I have to go see him.”

A shadow crosses Xavier’s eyes. I’m afraid he’s going to say no, but he knows we desperately need information on the Neo Gods. If I can find their Copyright 2016 - 2024