Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,84

was ten minutes ago. I suspect he’s with the children in the hospital. He knows better than to try to heal anyone now, but he can also be stubborn as hell. Since it’s not likely I can sleep, I decide to go look for him. Getting up without stirring my human blankets is difficult, and for a moment, I think Rufio is waking up. But aside from mumbling in his sleep, he doesn’t do anything else.

On my tiptoes, I mince away from our sleeping camp and veer toward the makeshift hospital. The place is dim; the only lights are from the small lamps on the walls. Ellen is awake, doing her rounds, but there’s no sign of Bryce. Strange. Maybe he did go to the restroom.

I turn around before Ellen sees me and chastises me for not resting, but I don’t return to where the others are. My feet take me to the back of the warehouse where Morpheus went with the Zions earlier in order to ascend to his demigod status.

The word demigod leaves a stain in my mind. I can’t believe Magia was one who chose to become mortal. I wish I knew why she did that when the vast majority of her kind are selfish and capricious. And why that important fact is not common knowledge. Even those religious freaks believed she was an Idol. I wonder if that antique book I got from the school’s librarian had that information. But if it did, I’m sure Jodie would have known. She wouldn’t have told Mrs. Wilkins to give me that book without knowing exactly what it contained. It’s a pity that it’s now probably in the hands of the new Neo God principal.

But we have the Zions, who seem to possess a plethora of knowledge. I didn’t have the chance to grill the brothers today, but tomorrow that’s my top priority. I’m glad they decided to stay.

I finally reach my final destination. This section of the warehouse is completely separate from the used area by sheet metal walls that go all the way up to the ceiling. The entrance is an opening big enough to allow a truck through. The sliding door is half open, but inside is not as dark as I expected it to be.

It’s much colder here than it was in the main section of the warehouse though, and the reason is the huge hole in the ceiling. There’s a charred spot right below it, and my guess is a lightning bolt struck here. That must have been the awful noise we heard earlier. Moonlight is pouring through the gap, creating a small silvery area. I stand under it, glancing at the starry sky.

“Oh, Morpheus. Where are you?” I whisper.

My question meets with silence, which only makes the choke in my throat grow larger. I drop my head in my hands, fighting the despair that’s beginning to take hold of me. Tears prickle my eyes, but if I let them fall now, I don’t think I will ever stop bawling.

I hear footsteps approach, and a split second later, I sense Bryce. I turn around just as he’s within reach. We both freeze for a moment with our gazes locked. A thousand thoughts are exchanged in that single glance, and then I don’t know who attacks whom first. I’m in his arms and my fingers are in his hair, making a mess out of it. I’m not kissing him; I’m devouring his mouth as if he’s the only sustenance I need.

We fly out of the spotlight, disappearing into a dark corner. My back meets the wall while Bryce presses his body against mine. Our hands become impatient, eager, as they try to get us out of our clothes as fast as possible. My jacket and top go first; then my jeans are the next to disappear in the darkness. It may seem like we’re two careless teenagers who can’t go a day without sex, but that isn’t what this is about. After the cruelty we saw, the ordeals we’ve gone through, connecting skin to skin is the only way we can feel human again.

We haven’t stopped kissing since we started, but when I feel Bryce’s erection press against me, I tense, pulling away. “We need protection.”

Bryce’s eyes are glowing, giving him an even more otherworldly appearance. Hooded like that, they’re sexy as hell.

“Do we?” he whispers, giving me pause.

“Yes, Bryce, we do. I’m not on the pill.”

“I know, but what about the prophecy? What if Copyright 2016 - 2024