The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,92


Chapter 18

In normal, everyday life, it would be wholly inappropriate to remark with shock and disdain that a woman south of thirty wasn’t yet married. Luckily for my Aunt Christie, we’re at a wedding where she can yell her surprise about my marital status to all of the dear friends and family who’ve gathered here today.

“I just can’t believe it, Ellie. I mean, here it is your mama’s wedding day and her own grown daughter hasn’t managed to wrestle up a single husband yet.” Christie’s affront isn’t really that I’m single, but rather that I have yet to join the ranks of the divorcee club which my family founded many years ago.

“I know, it’s really unbelievable. I guess I just haven’t found Mr. Right yet,” I say, thinking of what I’m going to say to Sam if he ever speaks to me again.

“Mr. Right? Honey, all you need is Mr. Deep Pockets and a good pool-boy.”

I wish I felt shocked by my aunt’s words, but I’ve been exposed to her brand of true love for four husbands now. When Christie starts in on the bios of the eligible bachelors in the reception hall, I decide it’s best to excuse myself and head for the ladies room. I’m halfway across the dance floor when Troy Pardee, Jr., Christie’s current husband and heir to a cattle fortune, steps into my path.

“Hello, darlin’. Couldn’t help but notice the wife givin’ you a hard time. I was on my way to save you when you ducked and covered.” He chuckles.

Troy Pardee, Jr., is my favorite of all of my Aunt’s husbands. He’s a good ol’ boy, honest and hard working. “Yes, well, I suppose she has my best interests at heart.”

“Nah, she just can’t stand to see anyone walking this life alone.”

“Is that why you’re number four?” I tease.

His laugh is deep, and it rumbles around us. “Well, you know what they say, fourth time’s the charm.” He smiles. “How about a dance?”

I accept the hand he’s offering me and he leads us onto the dance floor. He’s an excellent leader and guides me easily to the beat of the music. My mother and Vernon are dancing a few yards away, lost in each other. I feel lighter than I have all week and let my eyes flutter closed, lost in the music and the happy vibe which can only be found in the company of newlyweds.

“Pardon me. Mind if I cut in?”

My heart skips a beat and I gasp, turning my head so fast I nearly head-butt Uncle Troy.

“Not at all,” says Troy, passing my hand to Sam and winking at me before walking away.

I remain motionless, taking him in. He’s dressed in a navy-blue suit and crisp white shirt, unadorned by a tie. His top button is open and while the shirt and suit have clearly been tailored to fit him, the fabric stretches slightly when he raises my hand to his shoulder, leaving me holding onto him. I can’t believe he’s here. I open my mouth to ask him how, but I can’t manage it. All I can do is stare into those beautiful hazel eyes and hold onto him as he begins to move us in a slow dance.

“Well, aren’t you going to say hello?” he asks, smiling softly at me.


He turns us to the left and pulls me in closer. His cologne is spicy, and the feel of his strong arm around me is thrilling.

“I know you didn’t officially ask me to be your plus one, but I figured you might be in need of a dance partner.”

“How’d you know where I was?” I ask, not really caring what the answer will be but needing to keep him there, dancing with me.

“You’re not going to believe this, but your mother called me up on the phone last night.”


Shocked, I turn my head to find my mother in the crowd. She and Vernon are swaying slowly to the song, unaware that anyone else is near them. I look back up at Sam who’s staring happily down at me. “What’d she say?” I ask.

He pulls me up against him, his mouth moving to whisper in my ear. “She told me to get my A-S-S to Scottsdale.”

I let out a shocked laugh and look disbelievingly at his handsome face. “Sam, I’m so sorry, for everything. I didn’t trust you and I didn’t give you the chance to explain about Roxy and, God, I’m so sorry about Tim. We’re over, we’ve been over Copyright 2016 - 2024