The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,93

but I was just so hurt and so sure you were going to let me down because it’s always happening and—”

“Ellie,” he whispers, “just breathe.”

His warm breath tickles my ear. I take a deep breath and blink a few times, trying to clear away the wetness forming at the corners of my eyes. Sam pulls back, his lips just inches from mine.

“I should’ve told you about Roxy. It was a mistake, letting her stay the night at my place. I knew it when I agreed to it. She had nowhere else to go and it didn’t feel right, turning her out on the street. When I got back home after seeing you and saw how she was dressed and how she was acting, I knew she’d said or done something to scare you. I’ve wanted to see you, to talk to you all week, but I let my pride get in the way.”

“I’m so sorry about how I treated you. I’m sorry for everything.”

“I know. I’m sorry too,” he says, tightening his hold on me.

The song comes to an end and wedding guests on all sides of us move back toward their seats but we remain together, motionless on the dance floor. A new song blares to life from the speakers and Sam finally moves, taking my hand and leading me out of the reception hall to the empty patio outside. Twinkle lights are strung against the ivy covered wall on one side of us, and it reminds me of the dusty floor behind Clara’s. Sam drops my hand and turns to face me, a serious expression on his face.

“Ellie, I think we’ve been dancing around a real relationship here, and after what happened last week, I don’t want to leave you with any room for doubt. I’m in love with you. I’m crazy about you. I want you to be with me.”

I shake my head slightly, sure I’ve misheard him. “You’re—”

“I’m in love with you.”

“You’re in love, with me?”

“I can say it as many times as you need to hear it. It’s not going to change one bit.”

I smile, bringing a hand up to cover my mouth. It’s like having the wind knocked into me. Sam James is in love with me. There’re no alarm bells and I don’t worry about their absence because I know I’ll never need them again.

I step forward, closing the distance between us, and place my hand on his chest, seeking out the beat of this heart that’s declared its love for me. “Maybe, say it one more time.”

Sam wraps both arms around me, lowering his face until his lips are nearly touching my own. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I say, bringing my lips forward and sealing my happily ever after with a kiss.


Six Months Later

As I approach the chapel doors Luanne comes rushing over, her blue chiffon Maid of Honor dress trailing behind her.

“Where the hell have you two been? Everyone’s waitin’ for you and the Preacher’s about to get into the Easter wine. You know he’s prone to drink before the nuptials.”

I loop my arm with the handsome groom. The happy, confident smile on his face is all I need to keep me calm for what lies beyond the oak doors of the sanctuary.

“Sorry, we lost track of time,” I say, a devilish smile on my face.

“Alright, well, I’ll let them know they can start the music. I’ll see you two inside.”

As Luanne disappears, I turn to take in the groom before our march down the aisle. He’s opted to go with something more personal than the standard tuxedo. His black biker’s vest, worn green from years of riding through the elements, is a pleasing contrast to the starched white shirt and pressed black pants which complete the look. I reach up and smooth some of the silver hair that’s escaped his low ponytail. His murky hazel eyes are so much like those of his great-nephew.

“Are you ready?” I ask him.

“I reckon I’ve been ready for more than half my life,” replies Hart.

“I guess we shouldn’t have stopped for that shot of whiskey. Jo’s probably going to murder you right after you say I do, claim the life insurance money,” I tease.

“Well, I waited forty-odd years for her. I reckon she can wait another couple of minutes for me.”

From inside the chapel, I hear the electric sounds of ZZ top and I know it’s time for me, the Best Woman, to walk the groom down the aisle. As the usher opens the door for us I again place my arm inside of Hart’s and give him an excited smile. The church is full of bikers and there’re more black leather jackets than there are suit jackets. I spot Sam, already standing at the front of the church having walked Luanne down the aisle first, and follow Hart’s lead as he takes a step forward.

The wedding guests clap and catcall at us all the way to the altar, but Hart remains quiet and steady. As I turn to take my place between him and Sam, he leans down and places a sweet kiss on my cheek.

“Thank you for reminding me to have hope,” he whispers.

I can’t stop a tear from escaping and reach up to wrap my arms around his shoulders, hugging my wisest of friends. “Thank you,” I whisper back.

I take my place next to Sam, who leans forward to kiss the nape of my neck, which is a most inappropriate thing to do between two groomsmen, especially in Texas.

“Save the first dance for me?” he asks, his hand on my waist.

“Every dance,” I reply.

When the wedding march begins and the doors open to reveal Jo, her eldest son present to give her away, I can’t help but think of everything it’s taken to get me here. I had to fight my way through years of bad dates, lousy boyfriends, and an imaginary psychic ability. I got hurt, made more bad decisions than good ones, and even got my toes sucked, but I made it through in the end. I found my faith. It’s not alarm bells I think about anymore, it’s wedding bells.

Coming Soon

-September, 2013-

Plus None

Book 2 in the Dangerously Dimpled Series

For Charlie, the only thing worse than watching as her baby sister sprints down the aisle before her, is the possibility of showing up to the wedding with no plus one. She’s got two months to find a date, defeat her sister’s she-demon Maid of Honor, and avoid her third cousin Barry, who’s got ass-magnets for hands. Unfortunately for Charlie, there’s no escaping her one-time one-night stand Alex Ramirez, who’s looking for a second chance at Charlie’s heart. As the wedding date approaches, Charlie will have to decide if she’s better off on her own, or if she’s willing to say, “I do,” to love.

About the Author

Emily Hemmer was raised in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago before settling in Kansas City in 1996. She was raised in a house full of women and can therefore shower, blow-dry her hair, and apply full makeup in twenty minutes flat. A huge fan of romantic comedies, Emily was overjoyed to learn that her college roommate could recite every word of the movie Clueless, until she realized that was the only VHS tape her roommate owned. Emily dropped out of college and to this day, blames the listless years of her twenties on the words, “As if!” She completed her degree after an extended eleven-year semester break.

Married in 1998, Emily and her husband ‘Mr. T’ have two beautiful children now entering their teenage years. Her mother assures her that these years are not meant as punishment for parents, but as a source of great hilarity and recompense for grandparents. A sweet yellow lab, a jerk-face Viszla puppy, and an evil Siamese cat make up the rest of the family.

In October 2012, Emily learned she came in 2nd place for the SFARWA ‘s Heart-to-Heart contest (for contemporary single title romance) for her first work, The Break-Up Psychic. This work has been a true labor of love and is the basis for all of Emily’s future happiness. But she’s trying not to put too much pressure on herself.

According to her Yahoo! Shine horoscope for 2013, this year looks to be the best of Emily’s life. She has plans to publish three books, win countless accolades from her peers, and literally roll around on a bed made of money. She also plans to purchase a new dishwasher.

Stalk Emily

(it’s okay, she loves attention.)

tweet me @emilyhemmer

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