The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,91

the duration of her time in beauty school. I check my cell phone for the twentieth time this morning, waiting to hear back from her. She’ll come through for me. I know she will.

Vernon’s hearty laugh floats down the hallway, followed by my mother’s rather girlish giggle. They were all over one another at dinner last night, like a couple of teenagers. It was all I could do to hold down the barbeque. They’re so in love and they simply don’t care who sees it. As long as they keep the honeymoon activities out of the scrapbook, I’m content to let them bask in the glow.

My phone vibrates against the desk surface and I snatch it up like a hot potato. “Lu? Did you find him?”

“Hey, girl. It’s not good news, I’m afraid. Jason’s been ‘round to his house and the shop and can’t find him anywhere. I called up to The Cavern and Hart’s not seen hide nor hair of him either.”

No, no, no… I’ve finally gotten my head on straight, and he’s up and disappeared on me. “You don’t think he’s with her, do you?” I hold my breath, dreading any news of Roxy and what that might mean for my future happiness.

“No, I don’t. Jason told me he was absolutely murderous when he found out she greeted you at the door in nothing but an old t-shirt. Had her pack her bag and go. He reckons she’s gone back to Hollywood. Apparently she’s got a real promising job waitin’ tables at a strip club out there.”

I release the breath I’ve been holding. At least I don’t have to worry about Roxy anymore. If I’m honest with myself, I should never have worried about her in the first place. “Have I ruined it, Lu? Do you think he’ll ever be able to forgive me?”

“Now you listen to me, you haven’t ruined a thing. This is a case of a misunderstanding is all, and he’ll come around.”

“What if he doesn’t?”

“Then he’ll have to deal with me and Amber and every other friend that wants to see you get the happiness you deserve.”

I swallow the cry in my throat. I’m so thankful for my friends, for their love and loyalty. I feel I owe Luanne a great deal more than I can ever repay her. “Thank you,” I say thickly.

“Nothing to thank me for, and don’t you go givin’ up. We’ll find him. Even if I have to enlist the services of the devil himself, we will find him and he will come around. I’ll set Amber on it. She’s bound to have Satan’s cell phone number.”

Laughing, I say my goodbye and another thank you to Luanne and end the call. I slide my hands down the silky lavender fabric as I stand, wiping away the slight crease that formed while I was pinning up my hair. I wander out of the guestroom and into the hall where Vernon is trying unsuccessfully to pin a boutonniere to his tuxedo lapel.

“Here,” I say, walking toward him, “let me help you with that.”

He smiles and hands me the yellow Texas rose and white baby’s breath. I lift up the lapel and use the straight pin to secure the flowers to his lapel.

“I guess I don’t have to tell you this, but I want you to know I love your mother very much. I promise you I will take care of her, always.”

His brown eyes are kind and his face is handsome, despite being touched by age. I haven’t heard a single alarm bell in his presence. In fact, they’ve remained silent since I walked away from Tim’s place six days ago.

“I know you will,” I say, smiling back at him. “She’s sort of my hero, you know? All I want is for her to be happy.”

“I am happy, Ellie. I’m so very, very happy.” My mother is standing at the mouth of the hallway behind us, glowing in her lovely bridal dress.

Vernon’s smile is so excited and genuine, it nearly breaks my heart. As we move through the front door to the waiting limo outside, not even the rigid Arizona heat can wilt my mother’s excitement. I check my phone one final time before stepping into the car behind them. No missed calls and no new messages. I turn the phone off and slide it into my purse. First things first. Give away my mother, chicken-dance with my new stepdad, and begin mending my broken heart. Should be a piece of wedding Copyright 2016 - 2024