Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,138


Talyn’s link started buzzing. He pulled it out and answered.

“Where are you?” his mother demanded without preamble.


“Yes. I’m seeing all kinds of horrifying things on Andaria about riots and arrests, and looting. About you being arrested for treason!”

“We’re okay at the moment. Where are you?”

“I’m onboard the Royal Tiakara, with Tylie and Cairistiona. Have you heard the news?”

“Enforcers told me that Tylie had seized the throne and demanded the arrest of her mother. Is it true?”

She didn’t answer his question. “Who’s with you?”

“Lorens and Felicia.”


“No. I was attacked by a League assassin and the enforcers with me were seriously wounded during the altercation. He and Qory stayed behind to render aid. Given that I have League assassins after me, we thought it best to immediately vacate the area.”

“Put me on speaker.”

He switched it over. “Okay, Ma. Go. You’re live in the transport.”

“We were right earlier. The Sentella Nykyrian is the missing heir.”

“What?” Lorens asked as he made a left turn.

“It’s true. By the time I rendezvoused with the royals, Cairistiona and Tylie had already met him and confirmed it. Independent of my report. It’s why Tylie overthrew her mother and ordered her arrest. They’re getting ready, right now, to have dinner with him and his wife, Kiara Zamir. Cairie wants to reinstate him to the line of succession.”

“What?” Lorens repeated as if he couldn’t wrap his head around it. Not that Talyn blamed him. He was having a hard time himself. “She really found her son?”

“We don’t have the DNA results back, but it’s definitely him. I saw the photos. And he told them both that he remembers everything his grandmother did to him as a boy. He’s furious at the royal family over it all. Tylie said no one could fake his indignant rage. It’s why he’s never come forward in the past. He doesn’t want the throne. Or anything to do with his family, Andaria, or our politics.”

Talyn could definitely understand that.

Lorens sucked his breath in sharply. “Yeah, well, if he’s a decent male, we need him.”

“That’s what Tylie’s trying to stress to him. Maybe they’ll have success at dinner. His father will be there, too. With luck, they’ll talk sense into him. Oh, and get this, Nykyrian married the Gourish princess and she’s pregnant with his child. That is definitely confirmed. If we can get him to agree to reinstatement, this will change everything.”

Yes, it would. And it would get rid of Chrisen and Merrell, and their power over the Andarion people, permanently. Talyn met Felicia’s stunned gaze.

Lorens gasped. “He’s really married to royalty, and has an heir on the way?”

“Yes. With Triosan backing, Tylie immediately filed a temporary injunction removing her mother from power and Jullien from succession. There’s no telling what’s about to start over this. Eriadne won’t leave quietly.”

Neither would Jullien.

“Are you safe, Matarra?”

“We are. Aros isn’t taking any chances with Cairistiona’s life, and neither is Tylie. In addition to Andarion Guard, we’re surrounded by Triosan troops. What about you?”

“We’re fine.”

“Lorens? Felicia? Is my son lying to me?”

Felicia pursed her lips. “Not lying, per se. Perhaps painting the facts in an optimistic light.”

“We should be fine,” Lorens inserted. “I think the royals have bigger things to concern themselves with right now than Talyn’s challenge. In fact, in lieu of what you just told me, I’m taking Talyn and Felicia to Command. With Tylie in charge, it’ll be the safest place for them.”

“All right. Keep me posted.” She hung up.

Talyn wasn’t sure what to think about all of this. It was happening too fast. “Are you sure about Command?” he asked as Lorens headed them back into the city.

Before Lorens could answer, his link buzzed. “Lieutenant Commander ezul Terronova.”

“Commander, this is Acting Tadara Tylie of the Most Sovereign Blood Clan of eton Anatole. I’m sure by now you are well aware of the political upheaval taking place in the empire, and the fact that my mother has been deposed.”

“Yes, Majesty.”

“As a result, I have issued orders that have removed Prime Commander ezul Aysu from his post, pending investigation. A copy of that has already been sent to your inbox. My trusted allies have sworn that I can put my faith in you. Do I have your oath of loyalty?”

Talyn held his breath. If Lorens gave it and the tadara happened to be reinstated for any reason, Lorens would be viewed as a traitor for siding with Tylie against her. That was something the old bitch would never let go.

He would be executed immediately.

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