Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,137

too large a crowd.

And media.

He didn’t dare make a move on Talyn’s life. But the cold expression on his face said that he didn’t like this, at all.

And he wasn’t through with this pursuit.

Talyn allowed them to pull him out and put him into a prisoner transport. He considered fighting, until he saw Officer Hawas.

Hawas offered him a sad smile. “Sorry about this. But it’s the only way we could keep you safe until the match. We knew the tadara would kill you if she had a chance. She’s put a five-million-credit bounty out on your head with The League. We intend to make sure no one collects it.”

Talyn glanced over to the others in the transport with them. “I’m still a little fuzzy on what’s going on here.”

Hawas grinned. “As of an hour ago, Tizirah Tylie has taken the throne and ordered her mother arrested for egregious crimes against her family and the empire. Until Tadara Eriadne’s cleared of these charges, we aren’t under her command. Like your female said, we’re not humans to blindly follow orders. And we aren’t sheep to be led to slaughter. The ruling family is down to ten members. There are a lot more of us than there are of them. We will not be abused another day. Their tyranny ends. All hail Andaria.”

Talyn inclined his head in gratitude. He was just starting to relax when something slammed into their transport and tore it apart.

His hands still cuffed, Talyn couldn’t really catch himself as the transport rolled. Blasts struck the craft until it came to rest, upside down.

No one moved. Bodies were strewn everywhere. Talyn smelled fuel and knew the vehicle was about to explode. Pain seared his body as he tried to free himself.

The side window was kicked in by someone on the outside. For a moment, he thought he was being rescued, until he was hauled out and shoved onto the ground at the booted feet of the assassin who’d fired on him at the condo.

Talyn tried to fight, but with his hands cuffed behind his back there was nothing he could do. Before he could blink, he heard the blaster’s recoil.

Chapter 25

Talyn cursed as blood ran into his eyes from the wound. It wasn’t until he heard his name, and gentle hands rolled him over, that he realized it wasn’t his blood, after all, and that the additional pain he felt came from the assassin falling on top of him.

Stunned, he stared up at Felicia’s tear-filled eyes. “Licia?”

She shook terribly as Lorens freed his hands.

His face ashen, Lorens stared at his sister in total disbelief while Qorach and Saren went to check on the others.

Talyn realized Felicia held a blaster in her hand. After rising to his feet, he pried it from her trembling grip and gathered her into his arms as she wept against his chest. Startled, he met Lorens’s gaze in an effort to confirm his suspicions.

“She grabbed my blaster and shot him before he could fire on you.”

Felicia pulled back to inspect his body. “Are you hurt?”

“Skinned and bruised, but nothing serious.”

Her tears fell even harder as she sobbed and sobbed. “I-I thought he was going to kill you. I didn’t think we’d make it to you in time.”

“He was going to kill me. You saved my life, Felicia.”

She winced as she saw the assassin’s body behind him. “I can’t believe I killed someone,” she whispered.

“It’s okay.” Talyn scooped her up in his arms so that he could protect her. “Don’t think about it.” He made sure to keep his body between her line of sight and the assassin on the ground.

Saren inclined his head to them. “Lorens, get them to safety. We have help on the way for these men. We’ll stay and render what aid we can.”

Still stunned to the core of his being over what she’d done for him, Talyn carried Felicia to their transport and put her inside while Lorens took the controls. As sirens drew closer, they drove off.

Lorens glanced at them in his mirror. “She wouldn’t let us leave you. We had to circle back to the transport to keep her from clawing out my eyes.”

Talyn smiled at Felicia. “Ever my ferocious mia.”

She took his hand into hers. “Ever my heart.”

Those words choked him.

They headed out of the city, toward Saren’s summer home, but since the route was clogged by rioters and those trying to flee the overpopulated war zone, hours went by. No matter which way Lorens tried, they ended up Copyright 2016 - 2024