Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,136

the murder of Kiara Zamir. My fear is I’d bring more problems right now than solutions. When it rains, it pours like a beast. I have Sentella coming in as backup ASAP. In the meantime, we need to move my sexy baby and his female to a safe zone. Love you all. Don’t get hurt.”

Felicia gasped as she heard the message. Talyn saw red. Before he could think better of it, he grabbed his contacts and headed for the lobby.

Felicia scowled. A bad feeling went through her as she watched the fierce, determined way Talyn moved. She followed him through the condo, and when he headed for the foyer, she knew it was about to become worse.

“Qory! Stop him!”

Qorach tried, but Talyn dodged and twisted, and was in the lift so fast, she could barely follow his actions.

Terrified of his intentions, she ran to catch the next lift. By the time she stepped out of it, Talyn was outside the lobby, on the sidewalk, surrounded by media. She started for him, but Qorach caught her arm and gestured for her to stay back.

Through the glass, she could see and hear everything.

Talyn glanced at her over his shoulder, before he returned to the reporters. “I had nothing to do with anyone attacking the tadara. Had I wanted her dead, she’d be dead. By my hand. Unlike the Anatoles, I don’t move in secret or hide like a bitch. As for the challenge? I accept. Name the time. Name the Ring. And you better bring body bags. You’re going to need them, ’cause after I mop the floor with your proxies, I demand to face all three of you in the Ring. Warswords bared.”

The reporters erupted as Talyn moved to withdraw. An instant later, blaster fire broke out the lobby glass. Screams echoed as everyone took cover.

Ignoring the glass, Felicia ran toward Talyn.

Talyn grabbed her and used his body to shield hers while Qorach drew his weapon and searched for their assailant. After a few seconds, he motioned them back into the building.

“League?” Talyn asked Qory.

He nodded and gestured.

Felicia stood on wobbly legs as she translated Qory’s signs. “He says that he doesn’t know how many there were. He just saw one, but he’s sure there are more. And he thinks you’re an idiot for calling out the tadara like that.”

Qory sputtered.

“Okay, he didn’t really say that last part. I did. Are you insane?”

“I’m not letting the lies continue. She wants a fight, she picked the wrong Andarion to challenge. Baturs don’t back down.”

“Maybe,” Lorens said as he joined them. “But you need to withdraw before one of those assassins takes out this building. C’mon. We have a transport waiting in the back deck.”

“Take Felicia.”

Before she could protest, Lorens did it for her. “She won’t be any safer apart from you than with you at this point. They know she’s your female. It makes her a target. You might as well stay together so you can watch her and not make us all crazy with your most-founded worry.”

Talyn wanted to argue, but he knew Lorens was right. Besides, the last thing he wanted was to be away from her. “Where do we go?”

“We’ll decide that once we’re in the transport. C’mon.”

Talyn made sure to keep Felicia covered as they moved through the building to where her father waited.

The moment they left the back door, the assassin opened fire. Talyn grabbed a blaster from Qorach and shoved the giant toward Felicia. “Get her out of here. Don’t worry about me.”

“Talyn! No!”

The sound of her panic tore through Talyn. But Qory didn’t hesitate. He threw her over his shoulder and ran to the transport. Lorens started toward Talyn.

He shook his head. “Felicia first. I’ll be in touch.”

Lorens hesitated until the assassin opened fire once more. He ran to the others while Talyn fell back, drawing the assassin away from them.

As Talyn entered the building again, he ran straight into a group of Andarion enforcers. They pulled their blasters on him.

“Talyn Batur! You’re to be remanded into custody, pending your royal honor match. Any attempts to flee will be seen as treason.”

Talyn dropped his blaster and put his hands on his head. As they moved to cuff him, the assassin came in and drew up short. The head enforcer glared at the League soldier. “Your services aren’t necessary. This is an Andarion matter. The League has no business here.”

By the look on the assassin’s face, it was obvious he wanted to argue, but there was Copyright 2016 - 2024