Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,139

them in the rearview mirror before he answered. “Yes, Majesty. I am forever loyal to you and your cause to remove the former tadara from power.”

Talyn respected him for standing by his convictions. That single statement was a declaration of war against Eriadne.

“Then it is my honor to make you the acting prime commander of our armada until the new monarchy is established and a permanent prime commander is formally appointed. Do you accept the position and the responsibilities?”

“It will be my honor to serve you and my empire, Majesty. I shall give you only my best.”

“Thank you, Commander. Your loyalty and service will not be forgotten. In the meantime, I am forwarding your new position to all our military. I’ll be in touch with an update on the ruling monarchy later tonight.”

“Thank you, Majesty.” He hung up.

Stunned, Talyn leaned forward in his seat to clap him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, Prime Commander.”

Lorens snorted. “Don’t congratulate me, Lieutenant Commander Batur. I’m appointing you as my second-in-command. I fall. You fall.”

Talyn sat back, completely slack-jawed as that sank in. He wouldn’t have been more stunned had Lorens shot him in the head. “Pardon?”

Lorens glanced at him over his shoulder. “There truly is no one else I’d put at my back right now. No one I trust more. We win this overthrow, and your rank will be permanent.”

Her face a mask of fear, Felicia swallowed hard. “And if we lose, both of you will be executed for treason.”

Talyn tapped at the markings on his neck. “I’m already branded a traitor. I’ve publicly insulted them all, and with their challenge, they’ve made it clear they want me dead. In the goriest way possible. You think if Eriadne retakes her throne she won’t be coming for me, anyway?”

Felicia wanted to deny it, but she knew the truth. “You are all that matters to me, Talyn.” She placed her hand on Lorens’s shoulder. “And you are my family. My blood. I don’t want to bury either of you.”

Talyn winked at her. “Don’t worry. I don’t lose. Haven’t you seen my fighting record?”

Rolling her eyes, she didn’t appreciate his lame attempt at humor. “You’re not funny.”

“But I am funny-looking.”

She laughed in spite of the terror inside her. “You stole that from me.”

“Hope it’s not the only thing of yours I’ve stolen.”

She stroked his jaw with her hand. “It’s not. You stole my heart the first day I met you.”

Lorens cleared his throat. “All right. Knock it off, you two, before you make this any worse on me. I am the big brother, you know? No gru-gru in the backseat or I might gut Talyn myself. Geld him, at least.”

Talyn laughed as he put a little more room between them. “So what are our first orders, Commander?”

“Put a two-Andarion space between you and my sister on that seat. Then establish ourselves at the command center. We need to make sure our troops see their leaders and know who we are.”

Felicia hesitated at the sight of Talyn in his formal uniform. Her heart pounding with pride and fear, she brushed her hand over the lieutenant commander epaulette badges Lorens had loaned him. Two stars and two stripes for his new rank, and the winged skull with a dagger through it that marked all Andarion military designations. In that instant, one of their first conversations went through her mind.

All Talyn had wanted was to make a commander’s rank.

“Does this mean you’re going to retire from the Ring?”

A slight smile hovered at the edges of his gorgeous lips as he looked down at her through hooded lashes. “Only if you stay with me.”

“I have no intention of leaving.”

“Then once I fulfill my current contracts, I’ll retire, and never look back.”

Those words choked her as she remembered that she was the entire reason he had those upcoming fights. But for her, he’d be done with it now.

“Don’t,” he breathed as he fingered her lips. “You are the only reason I’ll be able to stop fighting this year. Without your brother, I’d still be Lieutenant Batur. Not a lieutenant commander.”

“You earned that rank. Had Anatole not been a bastard, you would have made it by now.”

“Maybe. But don’t look over your shoulder, and don’t dwell on what we can’t change. Keep your eye on the horizon and focused on what we need to do now. Upwards and onwards. Always.”

“Spoken like a true fighter pilot.”

He winked teasingly at her. “And a Ring fighter.”

She smiled then and kissed him. “Good luck.”

Closing his eyes, he Copyright 2016 - 2024