Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,68

Gideon’s power, but something odd seemed to be preventing me. I could see bits and pieces, but none of them seemed like his actual ability.” Ellie pursed her lips, frustrated.

“I can see that you’re holding something back, Ellie,” Lila said with a knowing look. “But I assume you have good reasons.”

“I do,” Ellie replied. “Let’s get to the car and get home. We all need to talk through this together.”

As they rounded the corner of the building, Ellie could see Alex practically pacing in the parking lot with Nate and Adelaide watching him apprehensively. As soon as they approached him, he said, “Where have you been? Griffin sent me a mental message that he suddenly couldn’t access your thoughts.” Alex clearly attempted to control his apprehension.

Lila and Ellie glanced at each other.

“Let’s get home first, and then we’ll tell you all about it,” Ellie suggested.

Alex looked ready to argue with her.

“Go with your sisters, Alex,” Ellie gently urged him. “I’ll be right in front of you.”

Finally he nodded his agreement and hustled his sisters and Nate into the car.

Chapter 33

As soon as they arrived home, Lila told the others about their encounter with Gideon.

Griffin looked both stunned and worried. “Why couldn’t I hear him?” Ellie heard him wonder.

Aloud she explained to him, “He seemed to be blocking your power, Griffin. Or someone in his pack was.”

“And how do you know that exactly?” Alex’s asked.

“He told me. When I tried to read his mind.”

“She also shook his hand,” Lila piped up.

Ellie shot her friend a look.

“Ellie, I suggest you explain before Alex and Griffin both have a conniption,” Hugh advised calmly.

She walked over to Alex and wrapped her arms around his neck. He didn’t hesitate to pull her in closer and bury his face in her hair.

“I’m fine. I’m still here,” she whispered in his ear.

He gave her a tender squeeze. “You take too many chances.”

“It wasn’t my choice to confront Gideon. He found us. I just did what I could with the opportunity.” Pulling back, she took his face between her hands and gave him a gentle kiss. She turned to the others. “Gideon wants me to join his pack.”

Everyone started talking at once, and Alex laughed, though it was a bitter sound. “Well, he can go to hell and get bent on his way down!”

“He gave me an offer,” Ellie continued calmly. “If I go with him willingly, he promises safety for the rest of you… forever.”

Dead silence.

“I’m confident in his sincerity in this offer,” Ellie added, scrutinizing each of their faces.

They all looked to Lila for confirmation, who just shrugged. “The conversation was mostly telepathic. I didn’t really hear much. He didn’t lie once during the discussion though,” Lila confirmed somewhat reluctantly.

“You weren’t intending to tell us?” Griffin half-asked, half-accused.

“No,” Ellie admitted, shifting uneasily on her feet.

“What changed your mind?”

“All of you.” Ellie nodded her head around the room. “I wasn’t going to tell you. I was planning to go with him to protect you. But I realized that you’re my family now, and I couldn’t do that to you. You all deserve a choice in this.”

“If you think we’re letting you go, you’re quite mistaken,” Dexter declared. Ellie gave him a surprised look. Of everyone there, he’d remained the most distant. Even Ramsey had warmed up to her after she’d opened up the potential of his powers to him. Dexter participated, he joined in…but he always acted slightly reserved. Ellie hadn’t been sure of her position with him, so this show of support from him now meant a lot.

“I second that sentiment,” Hugh added.

“Just so we’re clear… I go with them, and we’re all safe. I stay and it’s a guaranteed battle. Some or all of us could die. Are you willing to risk that?” Ellie moved to Griffin’s side, taking his hand.

“Losing one of us is just as bad as losing all of us,” Lucy insisted, a fierce look on her normally mild face. Everyone else nodded their agreement.

Ellie’s eyes welled. For the first time, it truly sank in that she had a family again. And knowing they loved her enough to put their own lives in danger was beyond moving—it was heart wrenching. Glancing at Griffin, she saw her tears reflected in his own eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispered. Alex put his arms around her from behind, enfolding her in a strong and comforting embrace.

Suddenly he stood up straight. Ellie turned her head to look up at him. “How were you going to join the wolves Copyright 2016 - 2024