Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,69

when you left us?” he asked.

She explained Gideon’s directions of where and when to meet, and a slow grin spread over Alex’s face. Griffin smirked as well. Looking at each other, the two boys started to nod, obviously enjoying some secret, silent communication.

Ellie did her best to stay out of Alex’s head, partly out of respect and partly on the assumption that he’d tell her anything important. She and the others looked back and forth, like at a tennis match, totally lost.

“That’s a lot more annoying from the outside than I realized,” Ellie burst out, arms akimbo.

Alex raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Shoe’s on the other foot, huh? Now you know how the rest of us feel… but I think I have an idea that might work,” he added smugly.

“Please feel free to let the rest of us in on it,” Hugh said.

“We’re all aware that our biggest weakness is centered on their attacking when we’re scattered. Until Charlotte can gather us all together, we’re all at risk, right?”

Everyone nodded.

“What if we attack them first? I think it could give us an edge. Especially if we attack Gideon first.” Alex grew excited. “Based on what Ellie’s said, he seems to be their leader and motivator. If we take him out first, maybe they won’t want to keep fighting.”

Hugh slowly nodded, his expression thoughtful. “I see where you’re going with this.”

“Explain it to those of us who are a little slower,” Charlotte murmured as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I suggest Ellie goes to her meeting with Gideon…” He paused, looking from face to face. “She’ll just happen to bring all of us along with her.”

Ellie worked through this scenario in her mind. “What if it’s a trap and they’re already waiting for us?”

“You said that Griffin can block Gideon’s power of sight, right?” Alex asked.


“So he won’t know about Griffin’s defensive shield, first of all.”

Griffin joined in. “Maybe. He knows about my telepathy. But even if it is a trap, if we arrive with my shield up, they won’t be able to do anything. That should give you enough time to organize, Ellie.”

“It’s better that we do this on our time, on our terms,” Alex insisted.

“And on our own ground,” Hugh added. “Gideon picked our home for you to meet at, you said?”

She nodded. Everyone remained quiet for a while, each caught up in their own thoughts.

Ellie tapped a fingernail on her teeth, a bad habit when she was thinking. “We should try to appear as we normally would had I not told you about this. Any ideas?”

Alex dragged his hand through his hair. “We should keep to our routine like usual,” he decided. Lucy, who had been making coffee in the kitchen, brought out a tray and offered him a cup. With a grateful glance, he readily accepted.

Griffin nodded his agreement and also grabbed a steaming mug, “But we should take more precautions since Lila would’ve told us about your talking with Gideon at the very least.”

“So let’s only work on the things we have been while outside. Once indoors, we can discuss a more specific plan,” Alex said.

Agreements given by all, they decided to go ahead and train for a little while. They also decided to teleport into the clearing with Griffin’s shield up just in case the wolves thought to ambush them there.

But no attack happened that night or any other night that week. They practiced just like normal. They went to school like normal. They ate dinner and did homework and played games like normal. Late at night, they orchestrated their plans for the impending attack.

Ellie’s tension level grew exponentially as the agreed on date and time grew closer. She and Griffin had just found their new family. What if they lost them again? What if she lost Alex? Every night she fell asleep in his arms thinking about this, knowing that she couldn’t live with herself if anything happened to any of them.


Finally the day arrived. It seemed so strange because at first glance the day appeared just like any other, and like no other at the same time. Ellie went to school. She chatted with friends. She took notes in class. She ate lunch. She drove home. They practiced in the clearing as usual. But it all seemed to go in slow motion, in sort of a numb haze. Today she would meet her fate, once and for all. Today, she might die.

And then the time had arrived.

They gathered in the living room. Copyright 2016 - 2024