Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,67

worry. We’re blocking your very talented brother from listening. As well as any communication you may be trying to send him.”

Ellie didn’t respond.

“Have you guessed yet?”

Ellie remained silent and still. Lila, unable to hear the mental conversation and taking her cues from Ellie, assumed the same stance.

“It’s you, Ellinore. You are why I’m here. You are destined to be one of our pack. I’ve seen you shift myself. You should be with others like you.”

Ellie didn’t betray the frenzied thoughts in her head by so much as a twitch and returned his gaze with feigned serenity.

“You have nothing to say about this?”

Ellie simply shrugged, catching Lila’s glance at the movement. She deliberately used a technique that often got Griffin to talk more than he would in most circumstances. She said nothing when he clearly wanted a conversation. Worked like a charm every time. She also tapped into Lila’s emotional manipulation abilities, attempting to rile Gideon… make him feel frustrated.

“You would’ve joined us sooner, if it weren’t for your brother,” Gideon continued, growing agitated. “I’ve been looking for you since our first meeting. But your brother is somehow able to block my view of you. Of any of you.” He frowned, betraying his irritation. “I’ve come to offer you a deal.”

Ellie arched an eyebrow but still said nothing. She was more concerned with Lila’s safety at the moment than she was in some arrogant, blowhard shape-shifter.

“You come with me,” Gideon said. “Just you. Join our pack. And I will guarantee the rest of the family safety. We will not harm them as long as you are with us.”

Ellie, using Lila’s power to see the truth, could tell that he was being sincere and was relieved her friend couldn’t hear them right now. “Why do you want me so much?”

“You are a wolf,” he answered simply. “You belong with the Vyusher.”

Her face a blank mask, Ellie thought quickly. It seemed like something about Griffin’s powers could be blocking Gideon from knowing the abilities possessed by the Jenners or Pierces. She wasn’t sure why, but regardless of the reason, she felt grateful for it at that moment. He knew about Griffin’s mind reading and her sharing powers, but what else? If he really couldn’t see which skills they possessed, perhaps she could use her own ability on him.

“I have to think about this,” she said aloud. “May I have your word that you and your wolves will not come near any of my family until I’ve had time to make my decision?”

“You have one week. We will not approach any of you during that time,” he conceded.

“Shake on it?” she asked innocently. Gideon hesitated then lifted his arm.

Letting go of Lila, Ellie moved forward and grasped Gideon’s hand, taking care that he didn’t feel the electric zap of her power at work. She focused all her energy to absorb as much about him as she could in that brief amount of time.

Releasing her grip, Gideon stepped back. Still only speaking through their thoughts, he said, “I will see you in the woods outside the Jenner’s house, the place where you defeated a handful of my pack. Midnight, one week from tonight.”

With that he disappeared. No sound. No warning. Just… gone. As if he’d never been standing there.

Ellie stood silently for a second, her mind spinning.

“Will you please tell me what just happened?” Lila’s trembling voice broke in.

“That was Gideon.” Ellie tapped her fingernail against her teeth, thinking.

“Well, I figured that much out for myself. Thanks.” Lila’s hands shook as she ran her hands through her hair.

“He wanted to meet me face to face.”

“What?… Why?”

Ellie sighed and resumed walking to the parking lot. “Apparently something about Griffin’s shield has some hidden facet that works to block Gideon’s tracker. At least, I think he has a tracker.” She glanced at Lila, who’d fallen into step beside her. “It seems like Gideon has someone in his pack, I don’t think it’s him, who can see anyone with our powers. Anywhere in the world. Although they see us better when we’re gathered in groups. The larger the group, the easier it is to hone in on us. But as soon as Griffin and I arrived in town, the Vyusher tracker could no longer see any of us. It forced them to recon in person to try to figure out how many of us there are, what our powers are, that kind of thing. Gideon eventually decided to come in person. I tried to get a read on Copyright 2016 - 2024