Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,54


Chapter Twelve

Since he knew his departure would be inevitable, Cam set up a meeting with Damon the very next day to let him know what was going on.

As he sat behind his oak desk, Damon shook his head. “I’m mighty disappointed you won’t be staying, Cam.”

“The contract was until the end of the year,” he reminded the chief. “You always knew I would be leaving.”

“Yeah, but with J.D. being your mate, I was kinda hoping you’d stay. We could use someone like you, not just as a ranger, but someone with your scientific knowledge.”

That caught him by surprise. “Really?”

“Yeah.” Damon folded his hands together on top of the desk, but when their eyes met, the chief quickly retracted them.

Bollocks. Of course, Damon remembered what had happened on top of this very desk. And so did Cam, which was why he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Er, you were saying, Chief?”

Dark brows slashed together, and Damon cleared his throat. “Yeah. We never really had a full-time scientist on the team. Sure, we hired out for anything we needed, but no one was really interested in any long-term study. The reports and papers you wrote, I read them all, and I have to say, it’s all top-notch stuff.”

“You … read them all?”

“Well, read them, but not necessarily understood every word.” He smirked. “But, your recommendations for the preservation of the wildlife and flora, your observations about our operations, and even your tracking of the migratory species passing through have been valuable in helping me make decisions, as well as reporting back to Lennox. They’ve even approved more funding to help preserve more of the mountain.”

His work had always been academic and research-driven, but he’d never thought it could lead to practical results he’d be able to see with his own eyes. Well, not quite. His stomach dropped as he remembered that he wasn’t going to be around to see the fruits of his labors. No, a few months from now, he’d be stuck in boardrooms and glass offices and boring business dinners.

“Anyway,” Damon continued as he stood up. “We’re really lucky to have had you with us, Cam.” He held out a hand. “Good luck.”

“Thank you, Chief. And thank you for allowing me to leave early today to see my grandmother.” He took the offered hand and shook it. “By the way, there’s an event on Christmas Eve I wanted to speak to you about.” He gave Damon a quick rundown about the ball at Blackstone Castle. “It would mean a lot to J.D.—us, I mean—if you and Anna Victoria could come. She’s invited everyone, actually.”

“Then I’ll probably hear it from Anna Victoria myself. And of course, we’ll be there.” The chief’s expression changed. “And Cam, I know I don’t have to say this, but … you’ll take care of her, right?” His eyes briefly glowed with the presence of his Kodiak.

His polar bear’s temper flared for a second, huffing at the idea that they couldn’t take care of their mate, but Cam pushed it away. “Of course. You have nothing to worry about. She’ll want for nothing.” Though he himself only used his inheritance from Igor sparingly, J.D. would have unlimited access to his wealth to do with as she pleased.

“I’m not talking about money,” he said. “But that’s all I’ll say about it since your relationship is none of my business.”

Goddamn right it wasn’t. “Thank you, Chief. I shall see you around and at the ball.”

After picking up his things, he went to the locker room to change into a smart casual outfit consisting of dark trousers, a dress shirt, sweater, a jacket, plus leather shoes. This was afternoon tea with the princess, after all, and he was expected to act and dress accordingly.

Of course, that was information he should have relayed to J.D. this morning.

He’d never really paid much attention to what clothes his mate put on—as he was usually far too busy taking them off her. But when he walked into the hotel lobby and saw her dressed in a red flannel shirt, jeans, boots, and her customary trucker cup, he realized his mistake.

“Hey, Cam,” she greeted as she got on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “Everything went okay with Damon?” He had told her about his meeting with the chief this afternoon.

“Yeah.” He wondered what to tell her about her outfit without insulting her. Even with his lack of experience with women, he was very sure insulting their clothing wasn’t the best way to Copyright 2016 - 2024