Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,55

start a conversation.

“Cam?” She cocked her head to the side. “What’s wrong now?”

“Er …” He gritted his teeth. This was his fault for not warning her, so he was going to take responsibility should Natalia say anything about it. “Nothing, love.”

She chuckled. “And I thought I was nervous. So, are we going to meet your grandmother at the restaurant?”

“No, we’re having tea up in her private suite. I—what’s that?” He nodded at the large paper bag in her hand.

“Oh! I wanted to give your grandma a gift,” she began. “I couldn’t decide exactly what, since what do you get a princess? But I went to the gift shop anyway and got some Blackstone souvenirs.” Reaching in, she took out a small object. It looked to be a plaster model of the mountains and Welcome to Blackstone was painted on a banner in the front. “Jan down at the gift shop said these magnets were her best sellers. Your grandmother can put them on her fridge.”

Cam highly doubted Natalia had ever seen the fridge in any of her homes, nor even knew where they would be located. “Uh … that’s lovely, J.D. A sweet gesture.”

“I got her a snow globe, a cap, T-shirt, and a cute stuffed cat. No polar bears, unfortunately, but Jan said she can stock those up before New Year.”

“Excellent.” He glanced at his watch. “We should get going. Natalia is very punctual and expects everyone to be as well.” He led her toward the elevators and hit the floor for the presidential suite.

The elevator reached its destination, and they stepped out. J.D. let out a whistle as they stepped into the foyer. “Wow. I’ve been to this hotel a couple times, but I’ve never been up here. This sure is nice.”

They walked to the single door, where two burly men in dark suits stood, unmoving. Cam recognized them as two of Natalia’s bodyguards, a bear shifter who was an ex-Russian Armed Forces soldier, and a former Ghurka tiger shifter. Neither one of them moved as they already knew Cam, though their gazes flickered over J.D. suspiciously. He sent them a warning glare and tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. Before he could say anything, the door opened.

“Ah, Your Grace.” The man in the charcoal gray suit bowed deeply. “Welcome. It’s lovely to see you again.”

“Hello, Orson,” he greeted Natalia’s ever-present, ever-loyal butler as he handed him his jacket. “This is Ms. J.D. McNamara.”

“Ms. McNamara.” He bowed his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Orson is my grandmother’s butler,” Cam explained.

“Butler?” J.D. raised a brow. “Like, Alfred in Batman? You guys really exist?”

Decades of training and serving under his grandparents had perfected Orson’s poker face. “Yes, miss.” His gaze flickered to her hat, and he held out his hands. “May I?”

“Oh, sure.” J.D. grabbed both his hands and shook them vigorously. “Nice to meet ya.”

And it looked like Orson’s training was to be tested today, as the butler let out a sputtering sound before he clamped his lips shut. To his credit, he managed to compose himself as soon as J.D. let go. “May I take your hat?”

“My hat?”

Cam placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s all right, J.D., he’s just going to put it in the closet while we have tea.”

“Oh, sure.” She handed him her hat. “Don’t lose that now, okay, buddy? That was my dad’s.”

“I shall guard it with my life,” he said. “Now, if you both could follow me, please.” Orson led them into the entryway and out to the massive, elegantly-decorated living room. “His Grace and Ms. McNamara have arrived, ma’am,” Orson announced.

“Welcome,” Natalia greeted. She was dressed in a crisp yellow skirt suit, matching hat, shoes and white gloves, and sat in one of the plush armchairs. “Lyuba, it is lovely to see you.”

They walked over to her, and he bent down to kiss her check. “Babushka, you look well. Your Highness, may I present, Ms. J.D. McNamara.” He ushered her forward. “My mate.”

“It’s nice to meet you, princess. Er, Highness?” J.D. laughed nervously. “Sorry. I’m not sure—”

“Ma’am is fine,” Cam said. “After the first time you addressed her as Your Highness.”

“Oh, gotcha.” She winked at him, then turned to Natalia. “Your Highness. Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

Natalia’s lips curved up slowly, and she sent an amused look at Cam. “Likewise.” She motioned to the couch diagonally opposite from where she sat. “Please, have a seat.”

“Cam didn’t tell me I was supposed to dress up fancy, sorry about that, Copyright 2016 - 2024