Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,53

sides of our family tree.”

Her mind was reeling. No, scratch that—it spun like she was doing an impression of the little girl from The Exorcist. Welcome to the family, Jason Lennox had said. Welcome indeed.

“So, my grandmother would very much like for us to be, uh, presented to them at the ball. And basically, to everyone and the world to cement your status as my mate.”

Her mind blanked. Someone once told her that she could swear in a way that would make a sailor blush, but somehow, she couldn’t come up with anything at this moment. Like her brain just said, nope, I’m out of here, then walked out the door and slammed it behind her.

“J.D.? Are you all right?”

“Huh?” She blinked. “Um. Yeah.”

“This is a lot, I know. Which is why I was so afraid to tell you all this. This last week with you has been the best in my life. I just wanted more of it. More time to spend with you. As me. Not a future oligarch, grandson of a princess, or titled aristocrat. Just me. Cam.”

Her heart clenched at the sincerity in his voice and the depth of real emotion in his face. “And that’s who I want.”

His arms came around her. “J.D. …”

She melted into him and met his mouth halfway. Oh, Cam. This whole thing was huge. No, it was enormous and so gigantic that it could swallow her whole until there was nothing left. Her stomach churned. But, feeling Cam’s lips on hers, being in his arms, she could ignore those fears. “All right,” she murmured against his mouth.

“All … right?”

“I mean … yes. I’ll come to the ball and do whatever you need me to do. To … save your grandmother and for us to be together.”

Relief crossed his face. “J.D., I promise you, you won’t regret this.”

“But you’ll have to give me time too,” she said. “And some patience.”

“Of course, you’ll have whatever you need.” His hands gripped her arms. “This is just a formality. Think of it like going to the prom, so everyone knows we’re together.”

She snorted. “I never went to prom.”

“Why not?”

“No one ever asked.” And Damon and Gabriel already had dates, so it wasn’t like she could go stag with them. “Didn’t want to go anyway. My old man and I spent it watching horror movies. Anyway, so this is just a Christmas party? To meet your family and let them know we’re going steady?”

“Yes. It would mean so much to my grandmother.”

She took a very deep breath. “All right. I suppose everything will be fine. It’s Sybil, and she’s cool. We can have my friends there, right?”

“Of course,” he said. “Whatever you want. Invite whomever you want.”

“I suppose I’ll have to put on a dress.”

“Uh …”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “This is the second time I’ll be putting on a fancy dress this year, Spenser. One’s usually my limit, but … you’re so lucky that you’ve got a cute smile and a nice ass.”

The atmosphere in the kitchen lightened significantly, and a smile spread across his face. “I don’t deserve you, J.D.”

“Well, I’m what you got.” She kissed his nose. “So … your grandmother. She’ll be in Blackstone until the ball?”

“Yes. And she’s so eager to meet you, so I’ve set up afternoon tea with her tomorrow at three.”’

“T-tomorrow?” she gulped. “Uh, I mean, that’s great.”

“Don’t be nervous, love,” he assured her. “She’ll adore you. I promise, everything will go splendidly.”

When she thought of Cam’s grandmother, she envisioned a sweet old lady who lived in a cottage in the English countryside, tending her garden and spoiling her two corgis. Not a princess who was also related to a dragon. “All right.” She blew out a breath. “Three o’clock it is.” God, the thought was making her temple throb and her stomach flip-flop.

It’s worth it, she told herself. Especially now, as she saw Cam’s handsome face light up with happiness. This is going to work out.

Spending time with Cam, getting to know him this past week and seeing who he really is—the person that he was, not everything else that came with him—she knew there would be no one else for her. Hell, he was willing to like Christmas for her, doing all those Christmassy things with her this week, for fuck’s sake. The least she could do was try to fit into his world. She was going to do her goddamn best to make it work.

Because, frankly, she couldn’t quite live without him Copyright 2016 - 2024