Beyond a Doubt - By Felicia Rogers Page 0,15

Had she ever complained? Well, maybe internally, but never where Bryce could hear her.

To believe after all this time that now he wanted to act all hurt by the mere idea of someone waiting for her in London. Why, he wouldn’t even let her explain!

If that’s how he wanted to be, then he could just suffer. Lucy wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of an explanation. He didn’t deserve one. Let him stew over the possibilities.

Lucy sat on a bench carved from a huge rock that resided along the path. She wondered what to do. The situation she found herself in was turbulent. She had no time to lose. Bryce’s feelings didn’t matter.

Lucy tapped her chin. She crossed her legs, making circles in the air with her foot. She gnawed on her lip. Perhaps he could lend assistance.

But nay, dragging Bryce into the fray seemed an unfair thing to do. Of course he would go willingly. He’d been her protector from the beginning. From the time she’d pulled him from the river, he’d not let her down. Bryce had clothed her, fed her, and ensured her safety through miles of dangerous travel. In truth, Lucy knew she could trust him with her life as well as her secrets.

A patch of wildflowers grew beside the stone bench. A daisy brushed against her arm. Lucy plucked the flower and rubbed the petals. Why had Father left her in such a situation? Why had she ever agreed to take on the task?

Placing her hand in the bag at her waist, she drew out the fan. Light reflected through the thin, glossy material and she narrowed her eyes. It was no use. The code was undecipherable without the key. Disheartened, she placed it back into the bag. The enormity of her situation hit her, and she wept.


The next morning, Bryce waited astride Emissary. The Sinclairs had graciously provided another mount for Lucy as well as spare clothing and food stores for the rest of their journey. Their generosity caused tears to well in her eyes.

A letter of introduction was pressed into Bryce’s possession. They planned to ride to Greenbriar before heading to Carlisle. Sarra and Cedric MacNeil were sure to extend a warm welcome and plenty of hospitality before the continuation of their travels.

Arbella hugged her goodbye while Bryce received a farewell handshake from Duncan. Leaving such a friendly place was bittersweet. For a brief time, Lucy had felt normal, with a roof overhead and a warm, comfortable bed at night. But, as always, the feeling never lasted.

The sense of ease between Bryce and herself had all but disappeared overnight. The awkwardness from their first encounter returned with a flourish. Perhaps this was for the best. The anger would make their parting that much easier in the end.

They left the Sinclair home with little fanfare. The villagers still slept in their beds, and the sun lay behind the hills.

The first day of travel, they didn’t speak. The silence between them was punctuated by the sounds of crickets chirping and small animals scurrying into hiding places. Angry and hurt by Bryce’s demeanor, Lucy swore she would never be the one to break the silence.

As night fell, Bryce found a cave. Barely more than a hole in the rock wall, it still sheltered them from the wind. Bryce started a blazing fire at the entrance and Lucy edged closer to the heat. She sent a glance in Bryce’s direction as he huddled against the back corner.

The childish act begged a response. Not usually one to back down from her word, Lucy could stand the silence no longer and made an exception. “Bryce, I’m cold.”

“Move closer to the fire.”

“If I get any closer, I’ll be in the fire. Aren’t you cold?”


“Oh, must just be me. I’m sure I’ll be all right. I’ve heard shivering warms a person. No need to worry.”

The Scot fidgeted and Lucy fought the urge to smile.

“Of course, if I become ill, travel will be more difficult. Why, I might have to ride with you lest I become faint and fall from my horse.”

Bryce inched closer.

“The wind has an extra bite tonight, don’t you think? Maybe it’s because last night I was snug and warm in a soft bed and now I’m not. By the way, I don’t believe I thanked you.”

Without warning Lucy moved in and placed a chaste kiss upon his cheek. Even with only the glow of the crackling fire, Lucy noticed a red hue covering his face as he jumped to Copyright 2016 - 2024