Beyond a Doubt - By Felicia Rogers Page 0,16

his feet.

“We need more wood,” he mumbled, stalking off into the darkening night.

Lucy leaned back against the cave wall. Memories of Bryce speaking about Cameron lands, Bryce droning on and on about sheep, and Bryce extolling the virtues of his future wife Crissy, reverberated through her mind and she realized her mistake. Bryce was a sensitive, caring man who didn’t take things lightly. Like her, he wanted to settle down in one place and raise a family, but unlike her he had that choice.

She was a flighty sort. Although as a young child she had rested her head upon the same pillow for more than a day, now that had changed. One place to live, and having a family, were not for her. Other people depended on the role she played. She couldn’t stop now. To end her mission would have extreme repercussions.

The kiss had done nothing more than offer a kind soul a false sense of hope. One she couldn’t expect to reciprocate. What had she done?

Chapter Seventeen

He had to get away. The proximity to Lucy was killing him. Thoughts of Crissy had fled and left in their wake a budding love for another. Lucy was exciting, and here with him now.

Even he knew a future with Crissy was mostly fantasy. Of course he’d told Grant and the others she waited for him upon Cameron lands. But was it true? Perhaps only in his mind. Without the words of commitment, how could he be certain? And what about his newfound faith? These years apart had changed him. Living in the Sinclair keep had changed him. Bryce wasn’t the same man he’d been when he’d left Crissy.

And so what? Even if he did have feelings for Lucy, what about her statement that someone waited for her in London? Lucy had never commented on whether this person was a suitor, but she’d never said he wasn't, either. Avoiding her was his only option. If he didn’t speak to her, if he didn’t watch her, if he focused on everything else around him, then maybe he could ignore her existence. He only had to make it to Carlisle.

He’d been doing so well. They hadn’t spoken to one another all day. Bryce had almost patted his own back and then she’d started talking about being cold. Instinct had kicked in and before he knew it, he had scooted closer. Honestly, he’d tried to stay away but the lass just kept sucking him back in. And what about her last action? How could she lean over and kiss him like that?

He placed his hand against his cheek. It still burned where her lips had pressed ever so slightly. Would he ever forget the feeling that coursed through his body at such a simple touch? Crissy, nor any other lady, had made him feel such a way.

The woods ran on forever. Afraid of losing sight of Lucy, Bryce pounded a circle in front of the cave. Pacing and muttering, muttering and pacing. Things were meant to be this way. He had a plan for his life. Go to Cameron lands, be a sheep farmer, husband to one woman, and a father to many children.

But he also had an obligation. A commitment to deliver Lucy safely to Carlisle had been spoken. If that meant he must suffer through holding her in his arms to ward off the chill, then so be it.

Those thoughts brought a smile to his face. Walking back to their camp, he saw Lucy sitting beside the fire, bundled in heavy furs. Duncan and Arbella had been generous with their giving, which made Bryce pleased to call them friends.

A twig crunched beneath his foot. He hoped the noise would be enough to alert her to his presence. Her head snapped upward. Her eyes widened with fear, reflecting in the dancing flames.

“It’s me, lass.”

A whoosh of breath passed through her clenched teeth, and Lucy visibly relaxed. Without asking, Bryce lifted a corner of the coverings and slid inside. Within minutes they generated enough heat to enact a sweltering effect.

“Is it hot in here?”


“Perhaps we don’t need so many coverings.”

“Aye.” The sound of his own voice repeating the one-word answers made him cringe.

“We should sleep,” she said.

Bryce nodded. The two of them settled side by side, their arms touching. Lucy rolled toward him and stared at his face. Lights from the dying embers flickered, causing shadows to dance on the rock.

“I’m sorry.”

The unexpected apology had him turning toward her and asking, “Why?”

“I shouldn’t have kissed Copyright 2016 - 2024