Beyond a Doubt - By Felicia Rogers Page 0,14

her attention as much as his smile.

His lips spread from ear to ear as he caught her gaze. He lifted his hand in summons and Lucy found herself moving forward not of her own accord.

Once she reached his side, she lifted her head to look upon him and his arm snaked around her.

Whispering in her ear, he asked, “How do ye feel?”

Too overwhelmed to answer, Lucy could only manage a shrug.

Chapter Fifteen

Even though he’d left only a few weeks before, they held a feast in his honor. Pride swelled within his breast as the Sinclair family fawned and fussed over Lucy.

Food liberally covered the Sinclair table. Pints of ale passed between the guests, skipping Bryce. Music flowed and Arbella urged Bryce to sing. A curious stare by Lucy sent a rush of heat to his face.

Waving away the voices, she said, “Won’t you sing? For me?”

The pleading tone sent him to his feet. The instruments stopped as his voice filled the room. People closed their eyes as the words reverberated off the rafters and into their hearts. The song ended, and Lucy stared at him. She stretched her lips into a wide smile.

Thanking the musicians, Bryce returned to the table and sat beside her.

“That was amazing. I didn’t know you could sing.”

He shrugged. There were lots of things she didn’t know about him.

Musicians stood. The men pushed the heavy tables aside and everyone took to the floor. The female guests were grasped and tossed about but Bryce held tight to Lucy, her small frame trembling in his large hands. Fear flitted across her face, her eyes widening as she stared at the crowd.

“Don’t worry, lass.”

“What are they doing?”


She knitted her brows as the guests twirled around the dance floor. During part of the dance, Lucy moved in closer, laying her head upon his chest. The flutter within his heart increased. He rested his chin on her head and they danced for what felt like hours.

As if in a dream, they floated together. She squeezed his hand and pulled him to the side of the room. “Could we go for a walk?”

Bryce led her outside. The crisp night air caused Lucy to shiver and he wrapped his arm about her shoulders. The moonlight shone on her brown hair, highlighting strands of gold.

A garden surrounded the main building of the keep. A path wound within, allowing a person to walk through. The rock stone path was empty. Flowers lined either side, lending a romantic quality to the air.

Bryce had never felt more comfortable, more natural. With his arm wrapped around the lass, he felt like he’d come home. Thoughts whirred through his mind. What would happen if he asked Lucy to go back with him to Cameron lands? They could walk through their own garden. They could raise the animals and tend the ground. But would she willingly accept life as a sheep farmer’s wife?

Perhaps she would prefer he left his home and went to live with her in England? What would it be like to be married to a member of high society? Parties and fancy clothes, mingling with those who thought themselves better than him, struggling to fit into a world that didn’t need him or want him.

The words rested on the tip of his tongue. He would ask her preference. But she stopped him. “Bryce, we can leave tomorrow, right? I must hasten to London.”

In jest he said, “Do ye have someone waitin’ for ye?”

Lucy pulled back, color draining from her face.

“What’s his name?” he whispered, heart sinking as Lucy looked away.

When she didn’t answer, he added, “We will leave in the mornin’.”

He turned to leave. She placed her hand on his arm, causing him to stop. “Bryce, it’s not like that.”

He shrugged, but he didn’t look at her.

“Bryce, don’t do that. Please don’t shut me out.”

His heart breaking, he walked away, leaving Lucy alone.

Chapter Sixteen

Left to gawk in the moonlit garden, Lucy stomped her foot in anger. How could he walk away from her like that? Just leave her standing there alone, not knowing where to go or what to do next? The big oaf!

And what right did he have to be jealous anyway? Countless hours the man had spoken of Crissy and their future together. How many times had she listened to tales of Cameron lands? Of their greatness, of their bountiful yield, of his sheep, wonderful sheep, and how much he couldn’t wait to get home to not only his animals but his woman as well. Copyright 2016 - 2024