Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,58

behind a bar when some shit came in shooting. She loved the people that ran bars almost as she did doctors.

When the woman went to the bathroom, Tru didn’t immediately follow her. She knew that she and the man would go out to smoke at some point in the night. That was where she was going to take them both. It was quick and quiet. When the female came out of the bathroom, Tru sat very still. This wasn’t her usual way of doing her business.

“Charlie, there ain’t any paper in the ladies’ room.” Perfect, Tru thought and got up to go into the bathroom herself. Just as she was passing the female, she told her the same thing she told Charlie. “He’ll just hand it over, and I can slip it under the door for you, honey.”

“Thanks.” Tru smiled to herself. So helpful she was.

Going into the first stall, she sat down on the commode and pulled out her gun. Never assume. That was the first thing she’d learned. Never assume that the person you were after didn’t have a gun too. The toilet paper came rolling under the door just as the door to the bathroom closed.

Flushing and going to wash her hands, she kept an eye on the woman. She could do her in here, but then she’d have to figure out what to do with the body. Shaking the water off her hands, she made her way to the dryer when she came out of the stall.

“Mother fuck, it’s hot out, isn’t it? I had no idea it was this hot when we decided this would be a good place to retire. Are you here on vacation?” She mumbled about working but didn’t expect her to care anyway. “Bob and I, we’re here hiding out for a week or two. Until things die down. Got us a mess in the States that we should have been smarter about.”

Tru pretended to be interested. All the while, she was thinking that this woman was stupider than she’d been informed. Where the hell did she think she was but in the United States? Or did she think that California was a country all on its own? As she told Tru about the mess in the States, Rogen spoke to her through their link.

I’m to tell you that if you want to take care of her in the bathroom, you only need to unlock the window. Is there one in there large enough to get her through? Tru told her there was and that she was telling her all about her problems. I heard that she wasn’t one to keep her mouth shut. All right. You take her out, and then someone will come in and get the body. I’m supposed to remind you that you’re to lock the door. Like you’d forget something like that.

I’ll do it as I’m pretending the leave. This place, this bar, what do you know about it? Other than what was on the paperwork? Rogen told her nothing, then asked her why. I would think that someone as smart as you would know that this place is right now filled with at least three of the FBI’s most wanted. And two more that I’m pretty sure I saw hanging on your wall. Of the fifteen people here, excluding me and Chatty Kathy here, there are fifteen wanted people. There are cameras. Tru gave her the names of the two cameras she’d seen. She knew that Rogen had the best equipment and that her facial recognition would tell her who was who before she could figure it out on her own.

Got it. Well, well, you’re so right. From what I can see over the last couple of days of films, the place seems to be the spot to go to if you’re wanted. I can see that this place would be better, just gone. Hell, even the bartender is wanted for espionage. Tru was sort of sad to hear that. Get out. Take her out or not, but get out. I have two flyers going by in about five to ten minutes.

Moving out of the bathroom, she made sure that both the male and female were still inside as she ticked away the time. Rogen warned her twice at the five minute mark and the one minute mark when she was down behind one of the closest buildings.

The building blew just as she said it would. Nothing else was targeted, and even the two cars Copyright 2016 - 2024