Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,57

However, if you’d like me to look them over or anything, just let me know. I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”

“I might take you up on that. But for now, they’re safe, clean, and being fed well.” They didn’t mention it again, but he was afraid for his brother. The woman obviously knew that Jonas was a cat, but she had jumped him anyway. “It’s all right, Dawson. I’ve been dealing with this sort of person for some time now.”

“You really do, don’t you? I mean, if anyone would have asked me, I’d have said you were afraid of your own shadow. But tonight? Well, you startled me into realizing that you’re very badassed, aren’t you?” Jonas said he’d not go that far. “However you want to see yourself, I see a man who is not afraid of danger and is willing to go out on a limb for someone. Are the children really safe? The reason I ask is, Margo looked unhinged.”

“She is. And I mean that in the worst sort of way. But the kids are safe. If they weren’t, I would ask for help. I’m not stupid enough to think I’m invincible.” Dawson was glad to hear that. “I’ll see what I can arrange for you to see them. I believe they’re all healthy. But there might be something I don’t know that you’d see. But don’t tell anyone, Dawson. I like having people think I’m just a laid back numbers man.”

For the rest of the night, and well into the morning after getting home, Dawson had had his phone close to his side. Every noise he’d heard, it was his brother asking for help. Just as the sun was coming up, he realized how stupid he was being.

Obviously, Jonas had been doing this for a while now and hadn’t had any trouble. Why did Dawson think that because he knew it would turn to shit? Dawson turned his calls over to the service, with strict instructions to make sure they called him if one of his brothers called, and went to sleep. He was, of course, late to work, and that set the tone for his entire day today. Running behind was never a good thing for him.


Tru slipped in through the door and sat at the bar. It was a nice place. Full of people, just the way she liked it, and her target was over at the pool table having a good time, it appeared. He wasn’t playing, but he was loud with his insults to the other players. She sipped her glass of wine and waited on the other person she was here to end.

It had never been a problem for her to end the lives of people on her list, not even now that she had a family of her own. She told herself that if she didn’t take care of them, they might someday be after her or her family.

Just as she was pushing away her glass to be refilled, the woman walked into the bar.

“Christ.” She smiled at the bartender when he shook his head at the other woman. He was pouring another glass for her. “You’d think they’d at least take a look in the mirror before leaving their room, wouldn’t you? I mean, where did she get that outfit? Hookers are Us or something? It’s not just too small, but it doesn’t leave much to the imagination, now does it?”

“Some people don’t care.” He told her he surely wished they did. “I agree with you there. The notion that one size fits all has gotten out of hand. I noticed now the label says one size fits most. It’s the most that I worry about.”

She didn’t mind making small talk with the bartender. Tru had always believed they knew more than anyone in the place. If she wanted intel, she went to a bar. If she wanted to find the best place to eat, the bartender would always steer her in the right direction. Best hotel. Best show. They would have the knowledge that would mean you’d have a wonderful time.

They were also the most closed-mouth people on the planet. The police knew better than to ask them questions. A bar wouldn’t be open long if the owner talked trash about his clients. His staff would be just as closed-mouth unless it was a murder or robbery of himself or his personnel. Then they’d only give them the details involving that. Tru had been able to hide Copyright 2016 - 2024