Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,59

out front of the place had minimal damage. They’d be trashed by the flames, but the rest of the street was safe. Moving toward the scene again, she kept up a running wealth of detailed information to Rogen about what she was seeing.

Crater sized hole. Both buildings on either side are up but will need to be taken down. Two bodies that were coming out are both dead. One of them lost most of their head. There is no smell of gas that I can detect. Also, there is a sublevel here that looks as if it was set up for some kind of overnighters. Perhaps a place for the hunted to lay low. She also told her of the conversation with the female about just that thing. The alcohol is burning most of what the bomb didn’t get. I’m not sure what they’ll say when the police arrive, but I’m sure you have a handle on that.

I do. Are you leaving tonight or in the morning? As far as anyone is going to be concerned, everyone, including you, was in the building when it blew. Don’t go by the hotel if you’re not staying. I’m making sure that you’re beyond recognition now. She told her she was going to just see if she could get a flight out tonight then. Good. They want you to go by DC if you can on your way back here.

They both knew she would go straight home. Tru did work for the government, but she didn’t want to do things that were out of the country anymore. Speaking to the president, she knew he’d talk her into coming to work for him on all grounds.

No one knew that she and Rogen had their own way of keeping in touch with each other. It made it nice, Tru thought, to be able to talk to someone when she needed information without having to figure out a burner phone and what to do with it when she was finished.

As she was moving out of the way of the firetruck, she saw the male moving among the rest of the site seers.

We have an issue. Rogen asked her what it was. After telling her, Rogen asked after the female. He’s alone. Covered in blood. I don’t know where she is, but I’m working my way toward him. If I see her, she’ll be taken care of as well.

Rogen wouldn’t bother her again unless she spoke first. Tru would need to focus on what her task was and make sure she did her job. As soon as she came upon the male—he was leaning over and puking his guts up—she shot him once in the back of the head. He fell forward, landing nicely in his own vomit. Moving out of the way, she saw her other target. Waiting for her to check to see if the male was all right—he’d fallen to his knees and stayed there—Tru shot her too.

Blending into the crowd again, she told Rogen where the bodies were. Tru watched two men come out of the shadows and pick them both up, tossing them over their shoulders as they jogged up the sidewalk. No one took any notice of them, as they were too fixated on the building burning in front of them.

That was another perk that she enjoyed working directly with Rogen. There was no need for her to do a clean up when she was out. Rogen had stashes of people all over the world for just that purpose. And if they weren’t that close, she’d have them there. Just a couple of people to pick up the bodies and make sure that the room or whatever was just as un-bloodied as it had been before she entered.

Sitting on the plane, waiting to get going, the pilot came over the PA and said that they were going to be delayed for several minutes. He was sorry and blah, blah, blah. She saw the Secret Service moving toward where she was sitting. Cursing under her breath at the shit the president did to get someone’s attention, she was glad she was still in disguise from her job.

There were six of them, all dressed in black, wearing masks over their faces as well as their weapons out at their chest. The single man, dressed as the others but with no gun out, asked if she’d come with them.

“Are you asking me or telling me?” He just smiled at her. “I guess you think Copyright 2016 - 2024